
i was surprised too. having read somewhere once that women aren't particularly visual creatures when it comes to pornographic themes, i figured this movie would do about as well as playgirl usually does. i can't remember a time when i've been more wrong. practically every girl i'm friends with on facebook not only

i was surprised too. having read somewhere once that women aren't particularly visual creatures when it comes to pornographic themes, i figured this movie would do about as well as playgirl usually does. i can't remember a time when i've been more wrong. practically every girl i'm friends with on facebook not only

now there's a concept i can't get enough of—a man and his monkey.

now there's a concept i can't get enough of—a man and his monkey.

this definitely wasn't among their best episodes, but there was quite a bit to laugh at—like the fact that the lady was known as homegirl to everyone in the office—even alice, who didn't recognize her given name. blake's take on kick-flips was outstanding, but i agree the back and forth with the girls got old—well, up

this definitely wasn't among their best episodes, but there was quite a bit to laugh at—like the fact that the lady was known as homegirl to everyone in the office—even alice, who didn't recognize her given name. blake's take on kick-flips was outstanding, but i agree the back and forth with the girls got old—well, up

i like him a lot, too and i'm american. i also love tea, and use of the word 'whilst' so on second thought i think i just need to emigrate.

i like him a lot, too and i'm american. i also love tea, and use of the word 'whilst' so on second thought i think i just need to emigrate.

that will never not be funny

that will never not be funny

yeah, but if we do that we don't get to feel the righteous indignation that goes along with strongly disagreeing with the reviewer. i do get the feeling he hates the show, but i get that feeling from the person that reviews IASIP, too, so it might just be me getting all butt hurt over it

yeah, but if we do that we don't get to feel the righteous indignation that goes along with strongly disagreeing with the reviewer. i do get the feeling he hates the show, but i get that feeling from the person that reviews IASIP, too, so it might just be me getting all butt hurt over it

ha ha under oaf

ha ha under oaf

i liked how he kind of trailed off at the end like he wasn't really sure what the lyric was. am i the only person that's ever listened to that song and been like 'wait is it dancer or dancing or denser?

i liked how he kind of trailed off at the end like he wasn't really sure what the lyric was. am i the only person that's ever listened to that song and been like 'wait is it dancer or dancing or denser?

i enjoyed the peeled grapes and spaghetti bit—not because of the prank itself, but that they forgot to blindfold waymond, which ruins the trick. i dunno, maybe i'm easily amused. the bong rips helped, too.

i enjoyed the peeled grapes and spaghetti bit—not because of the prank itself, but that they forgot to blindfold waymond, which ruins the trick. i dunno, maybe i'm easily amused. the bong rips helped, too.

as a woman, i can tell you that my number one problem with media that has a 'feminine' voice is that it's STILL sexist. even when women are in charge, all they think other women want to hear about is shopping, parties, pedis/manis, clothes, the cattiness of other women, the benefits of highlighting/not highlighting

as a woman, i can tell you that my number one problem with media that has a 'feminine' voice is that it's STILL sexist. even when women are in charge, all they think other women want to hear about is shopping, parties, pedis/manis, clothes, the cattiness of other women, the benefits of highlighting/not highlighting