
i think it's totally fair, metaphorically speaking. i don't know much about the advertising world, but i imagine large companies don't stick with one ad agency for years on end. they are probably constantly firing one firm to take up with another, so the fact that don would throw a company under the bus for ANY

this is more in reply to your 'what's logical about all the megan hate?" let's be honest here. this is a television show. a viewer doesn't need a logical reason to dislike megan, any more than other commentators need a logical reason to defend her like she's their sister or mother or something and not a fictional

i wouldn't call entering into an entirely different job(even within the same company) at entry level to be a promotion. for example, if i leave my current job in crim records for an IT position at my company, i wouldn't consider it a promotion. it's two different jobs. now if megan had gotten joan's job, then that

troy from reality bites. it stuns me that anyone could ever like that guy. 

i find it strange that megan is almost always to be found hard at work, alone in don's office and not with the other copywriters. i don't want to hazard that everyone at the office hates her, or looks at her simply as a nepotistic hire, but the fact remains that she does seem removed from her colleagues. whether or

he died so he wouldn't have to see that piece of shit depp and burton have made. 

dude, WTF

that's funny that you can validate that there are women out there that would blame their husband's transgressions on a potential business partnership.

i was under the impression that the word 'good' was implied.

i agree with this assessment as well. i thought the major point to be gotten out of this is that adults bully other adults, too, and even if it's more subtle than like, kicking their ass or calling them horrible names, it amounts to the same thing.

i mean if you didn't hit the nasal it would sound that way. to my knowledge, the french 'i' is pronounced like the english long 'e'. so if you tried to pronounce that word without the nasal, but still following pronounciation rules, you'd end up starting it out 'eeeeen'

yeah, ricky had a lot of numbers on the show that didn't showcase lucy and weren't meant to be comedic. you'll notice, though, that as the show went on and her popularity started to increase, his solo musical interludes totally disappeared—even during the last couple of seasons, when he was back from hollywood and

i'm 29 and i do laugh my ass off at lucy from time to time. how can you not watch the mirror scene with harpo marx and not think it's one of the funniest things ever shown on television? sure, the jokes seem dated, as well as the plot twists, but you have to understand it's because every other show has copied lucy

i might have mis-heard, too. i couldn't resist a tongue-in-cheek response to the gushy 'can this girl do anything wrong?!'

I totally disagree…I didn't think it became a race issue until the very larry david moment where peggy looks up from her purse, realizes dawn knows she is looking at her purse, and then further realizes dawn think it's a race issue(because of course she wouldn't know roger had given her 400 dollars in cash a few hours

i stand corrected, then. she definitely mispronounced it from a strict parisian-french point of view, but i guess french-candian is a hell of a lot different from the mother tongue than even i expected. even if the quebecois don't hit the nasal, it should still be pronounced 'eencroyable' not 'incroyable.'

the more logical explanation is that the actress isn't french or french-candian, and she flubbed it and no one caught it. i'm not well-versed in french-canadian pronounciation, but i would be stunned if they pronounced the first syllable 'in' like an anglaise.

i was responding to the reviewer's assertion that peggy's behavior was 'based on nothing more than race.' like you two, i feel the scene was a lot more subtle than that.

the purse moment would have held more resonance as race-related if peggy also didn't happen to have a ridiculous amount of cash on her at the time. as it is, i questioned whether it was really race-related or just seemed that way, which made the whole thing even more awkward.

just my two cents, i wouldn't say she's a villainess, but i definitely got a weird vibe from her when she mentioned dick whitman last episode. it wasn't overtly menacing of course, but i remember saying that don ought to think twice about screwing her over. plus it seems to me that she has more sway over don than any