
it's not that hard. i dislike megan for the same reason i dislike roger's wife and every other secretary that fucked her way as far up the ladder as she could. i like betty for the purely shallow reason that she's gorgeous(up until last night anyway) and has a great sense of style(again until this season). all the

is it just me or does this channel sound more geeky than nerdy? when i think nerdy, i think science channel, not shows about comic books.

yes, i agree with the below. i think she is aware that she isn't as happy as she should be—and i think this is coming up even more now that she can't blame her own unhappiness on her husband's secretiveness and philandering— but i don't think she knows how to fix it, and that just makes it worse. her own experience

i saw it as she was disappointed because getting cancer and possibly dying at least gave her something to do/concern herself with. now she's back to where she was before-an overweight, dissatisfied housewife. we didn't see her getting too much sympathy(henry and don were mildly concerned, but don really didn't express

darkness falls and squeeze for me. i always preferred the 'monsters of the week' over any of the alien/conspiracy mythology.

captain cuttle would like to see her in dombey and son, but he is admittedly slightly biased.

I found it interesting that Megan tried to appeal to Don's intellect, then his emotions, and finally and typically, had to revert back to appealing to his dick by episode's end. pretty telling of most of his relationships with women that we've seen thus far.

he's pretty dumb. that's why he's in vietnam…they did that whole storyline where he wasn't smart enough to cut it as a regular doctor during his residency.

i agree as well. like others have mentioned, her character went off the rails about the time the writers decided that don needed to come out of the divorcenot looking like a totally unsympathetic piece of shit. weiner is really bad about trying to force audiences to see the characters the way he does and sometimes it

i've hear quite a few people(my own mother included) defend betty over the glen thing. i'm not sure if all of them being mothers has anything to do with it, but they all stated that they wouldn't hesitate to forbid their children from hanging out with a kid that gave them the creeps, even if the feeling was unfounded.

i keep forgetting alex mack is on this show

yes, you're right. captain cuttle, who is more of an expert when it comes to dombey and son, should have done his research before commenting.

it's genuine liberian currency!

they tend to over-exaggerate things as well. my mother grew up in the 60's and she took issue with the picnic scene where the draper family blithely leaves their trash behind them on the grass and walks away. she swears up and down that while people weren't recycling or anything in the 60s it certainly wasn't normal

i thought she got particularly ticked only when she found out carl shot shane the zombie, but the lady's acting could use a little work to say the least, so who knows. maybe her earlier mouth-type gyrations were to supposed to convey anger and i couldn't tell.

i didn't say i was incapable of being interested in the character or who they are, i was just pointing out that as a person that doesn't read the comics, i don't know who the character is, so i was less excited than i was curious about why they had zombie slaves and why they think wearing a peripheral-vision-robbing

i was thoroughly disappointed in the finale. i guess i kept thinking they were going to hole up in the house resulting in a lot more deaths(i figured maggie would end up being her family's sole survivor). really, the best part of the show for me was the mad men 'zombies are back' promo. i never read the comics, so the

look it's the newest member of l'academie francaise

i think it's problematic anyway you look at it. if we accept that anyone who dies re-animates as a zombie regardless of cause of death, could something as simple as a seatbelt keep that many trapped in their cars? you'd think most zombies in their flailing would accidentally hit the release and be free. also, if this

i had a couple issues with the carl saga, though i do appreciate that as the only child, he's stuck in this hell between too grown up to act like a kid in this new-found world, but too young to be treated as an adult. that being said, i did wonder why no one lectured him on the importance of alerting an adult to the