
In all honesty, the best thing about Scent of A Woman was Chris O'Donnell.

Patrick Doyle! He is brilliant, and well loved! He did a fundraising concert when he was going through cancer treatments a few years ago! Who DIDN'T show up! Alan Rickman, Derek Jacobi… even Emma and Ken on the same stage!

He mocks himself in the director's commentary for this movie. Ken thinks his accent veered into Schwarzenegger-on-Baywatch territory.

Yearly viewing of this movie's version of the Band of Brothers speech is a must for me.

Patrick Doyle shout out! Where else can you find the composer of a movie have actual roles in the film? He's in Henry V too!

Plus, I like the symmetry of Clark's son being raised by decent and upstanding humans (Richard White – you rock!), just as he was. Just as Jor-El trusted that the right people would find his son. (Plus plus — more Jesus allegory; a God raised by humans)

Head to any Asian country – the plates are always set upside because it's DUSTY.

Superman Returns is my favorite superhero movie, so I'm glad this article offers a great rationale why it deserves some love.

I thought Oliver "died" and came back from the dead already?

I noticed Amanda Root showing more bloom in the second half of the movie too! I thought it was a feat of acting. :)

I had the same thought: Ciaran Hinds for MVP of this list! He has an eternal pass from me…

I'm just happy to see Daniel Wu on the "front page" of The AV Club. He's a great actor and director. He's a hottie and speaks perfect English. He should be an international star.

I rank Elementary "Great" in my book. I do read other reviews on the site (some shows I don't even watch).

In the pilot, Dean emphatically declared, "No chick-flick moments…"

I'm here for Tobias Menzies! Frank's story is well-realized, and Tobias' performance just drew me in over Jamie's character "advantages" (a tall, virginal, hottie!)… even with Tobias' messed-up British teeth, Menzies remains an attraction.

I still recall viewing the Grave Danger episode when it aired. The fake-out ending? We so fell for it!

I noticed that too! So for all interviews, please: Just add Tobias.

Sam Heughan/Jamie is cute and fresh off a romance book cover, but Tobias' off-beat handsomeness and terrific acting skills make him the hottie for me on this show! (Wait —am I in the wrong comments section?)

I have seen a nice amount of Tobias Menzies' and I'm a huge fan. Yes, he delivers outstandingly… and he's been on the charm offensive promoting this show. He's one of those who stands out and you take notice of, even when he's not the leading character. Bravo, Tobias!

Exactly my thought on Eric Bana. Lifetime pass! He made Brad Pitt look totally average on Troy, both in the acting and in LOOKS. (Not that Troy was very good, but Eric was the best part of it.)