
LA Confidential is Number #1 in the Pancakes Universe. Love that Face/Off ranked so high!

Scrolled to check if @willharrisinva:disqus asked about Time After Time. YES.

Want to up-vote this x 1 million.

Max Thieriot doesn't get enough moments to shine, which I understand as the show is really about Norma and Norman. But when the focus is on him, he really delivers and packs a punch. The whole arc of his discovery of his parentage and confronting Norma was layered beautifully: understanding, anger, pity and surrender.

I'm always down for some Tim Rice praise! The Rice/Lloyd Webber combination just attained a certain kind of genius.

Piven deserves to be on this list.

Joan Cusack is eternally welcome presence on screen. She's so much more deserving of adulation than her brother John.

Adam Baldwin used to have a massive Pancakes pass, all because of Linderman. But his current political and social stances force me revoke it. It was not easy because Baldwin broke my pre-teen heart when i saw this movie. I mean… the scene when Gramma holds Ricky's hands, sees the scars, and immediately understands and

Haha! The sidekick was the best. There was also his line when Linderman first comes in as the bodyguard. EDIT: "You owe me a years' worth of lunches!"

Beautiful. There's a filmic, storytelling quality to it.

More Noam Pikelny, AV Club!!

The logic comparison is what I wanted to point out. Matthew Broderick (if I recall correctly, he was driving on the wrong side of the road in Ireland when it happened) has presumably settled whatever needed to be settled with the accident victim's family. He's been able to move on with his career.

Me. I think he's one-note and shouty.

I'm not from the US, but I understand that sexual harassment is not a criminal charge, and is a civil matter. So there's no criminal court for Affleck anyway…

What about someone like Matthew Broderick… involved in a vehicular accident that resulted in someone dying (ie, "killed someone") — is he disqualified? He still on Tony Awards and gets hired…

This Casey Affleck win is one of the rare times, I feel, that the year's worthiest performance (in terms of screen artistry) won the award. What he did in Manchester by the Sea was stunning. The last time this happened was Brody's win for The Pianist.

I do think Casey gave a one-of-a-kind performance in Manchester by the Sea. Of course there are other good actors who could have also do great things with the part. But I think Casey did enough unique choices to that help lift up to make the performance as sensational as it was.

I think the standard that Nate Parker was judged on was that his movie was not good.

This is also how I see the context of Nate Parker's situation in light of Casey Affleck's Oscar recognition.

Glenn Close is the front runner in that one.