A Dullard

More along the lines of "If you live long enough, you're gonna see some shit, man."

More along the lines of "If you live long enough, you're gonna see some shit, man."

It's the same kind of passive learning you get from seeing your alcoholic uncle throw a chair at the wall and then start bawling.

It's the same kind of passive learning you get from seeing your alcoholic uncle throw a chair at the wall and then start bawling.

Taboo is on too, you guys.
And I swear it's not always about perverts.

Taboo is on too, you guys.
And I swear it's not always about perverts.

The Double Down is proof that KFC loves everybody and wants them to be happy, but doesn't know how to make that happen. It's like when your cat brings you a dead mouse as a gift.

The Double Down is proof that KFC loves everybody and wants them to be happy, but doesn't know how to make that happen. It's like when your cat brings you a dead mouse as a gift.

Now you've gone and insulted everyone by assuming they weren't smart enough to figure that out. Nice work, Sneezy!

Now you've gone and insulted everyone by assuming they weren't smart enough to figure that out. Nice work, Sneezy!

Yeah, you could just drink it with your butt like I'm told all the kids are doing and dying from these days.

Yeah, you could just drink it with your butt like I'm told all the kids are doing and dying from these days.

Something something como chameleon.
I'll show myself out.

Something something como chameleon.
I'll show myself out.

I won't lie, that sounded interesting at the very least. Granted, I initially heard it as "Pale Ale" not "Kale Ale." I'd still drink a bottle if it was given as a gift though, it was a little rude of Ryan not to.

I won't lie, that sounded interesting at the very least. Granted, I initially heard it as "Pale Ale" not "Kale Ale." I'd still drink a bottle if it was given as a gift though, it was a little rude of Ryan not to.

Needs more Dr. Zizmor.

Needs more Dr. Zizmor.