A Dullard

As someone who lives near a large community of Orthodox and Hasidic Jews, Purim is pretty nuts. It's great to see such uptight people get down and party hardy.

Was one of them the missing hyphen? I bet it was.

It terrifies me that people from the Internet have real jobs, especially when they involve children.

Yeah, I miss Bored to Death too.

Grammar truly is a art.

This thread stinks of the 90s.

NBC execs unbellyfeel Community.

Jersey Shore?

But will God then force him to sit right there while he tells him how his son became prince of a town called Belthlehem?

@wolfmansRazor:disqus  College Jeopardy is 50% college sports teams and popular music (read the last two words in Rev. Lovejoy's voice if you would). These are also my weaknesses. When I see the College Jeopardy opening I immediately turn the television off and weep in the darkness.
On a side note, a girl I knew in

The silence is a bit odd.

Or the time Al Franken sued Mary Shelley's estate for preemptively ruining his line of beer steins.

Those lengths being sending a form letter?

You are the 99%.

No love for a homosexual, mustachioed John Hodgman?

Yes, between this and Bored to Death it's a sad day for New York. I'm not sure the economy will ever recover from the loss.

Becker is great, but it's only on at 6am or some ungodly hour and only sporadically.

I can't promise that I'll try, but I'll try to try.

If you haven't seen American Movie, I highly recommend it. It tells the story of the making of Coven (pronounced "with a long o"), which is just a fabulous, terrible movie.

His wrong what?