A Dullard

Yeah, this. I guess they can't all make the list, but it's a good'un.

For a spider who has just eaten her mate.

For all their hemming and hawing about sex, the Victorians were a nasty bunch.
Both nas-tay, and straight-up gross because of the lack of hygiene.

It did. My initial reaction was horror that no one in the audience was stepping in to stop her from eating his face off.

I'm still holding out for the Wonder Showzen movie.

Because never again will you blast off with Nintendo's awesome outer space shooter for your NES.

Virtual Boy saved me from having to get lasik eye surgery.

AMC hates women, they're all either a harpies or insane. Every woman on Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead is unbearably annoying.

I had one of those shortly after that episode aired (I assume you're talking about that episode, anyway). It hasn't really gotten much better, maybe because she rejected me in a very un-Pamela-like way, i.e. as harshly as possible. I could give you some trite bullshit but I know from experience it doesn't really help.

"One time there was this girl and I liked her but she didn't like me so it made me sad" isn't a great story.

And if the pattern from "Louie"/"Wilfred" holds, there will be an extra Always Sunny next week.

The superior whip moment was clearly "I'm gonna whip this little bitch in the face if she makes a peep *crack*"

LISA NEEDS that one gray block, you know, the flat one with the two things on it, have you seen it? I had it here a minute ago goddammit sonofawhore I stepped on it

You're just jaded by today's glut of pornography. Imagine the pre-Playboy generation (your pappy and gran' pappy), forced to interact with real women for days, maybe weeks, all for the possibility of glimpse of sideboob.

Why would you hoe a road? The city spent good money paving it.

No blank VHS tapes either?

Also, kissing is gross and sticky. A complicated man.

Interesting regulars? Aside from The Gang, who work there, the only people ever in there are dejected old men and Vietnamese gamblers.

May I assume you are currently too drunk to work the DVR?

Because Facebook is a bastardman. Clearly.