insert something clever

Just watch S1 again.

Wow, that's actually quite big. Lots of room for new characters to pop up Nikki and Paolo-style for the next seven seasons.

My favorite moment was when Barbie called the smart lady a "nuclear physicist" when she was just talking about brain waves. Haha.

I'm glad she died, but what the fuck? I've never understood that whole shove-somebody-away-and-stay-behind thing. Just run. Both of you.

Man, I loved that book. But I also loved Under The Dome. You see my problem.

That really isn't my biggest issue. I mean, presuming all of them had a full tank at the beginning of the series, two weeks isn't that long, right? It's not like the town is that big… I presume. I actually have no idea how big that town is.

And yet we'll be watching them play on the exact same moment IN BRASIL. *shivers*

Given the hype, Lego should be in order.

Well, at least you have a wedding to look forward to in late August ;)

Yep, good old Belgium. So that means you're somewhere in England, right? God, the Internet is fascinating.

Night, it's about 2 AM, and you made me realize I should probably go. Thank you for that. Big day tomorrow - Belgium/USA!

Those were the days.

Fair point. And Segel/Cardellini would just be plain creepy.
Damn it, Yahoo, where were you in 2000?

Is it too late to ask them to renew Freaks & Geeks?

Happy Expulsion!

Have you seen him on How I Met Your Mother? Now that was a terrible role.

Someone didn't read past the third paragraph.

Well, we'll probably have to wait until the end of the series to have a decent discussion about character development (because that's when Clara is probably going to leave?), so that's not the biggest issue ;)

So I guess we've arrived at the conclusion that both showrunners have done decent character work (if not about Amy's feelings towards Rory, then certainly her feelings towards the Doctor and his travelling), but both have also forsaken those developments for the sake of plot, which is a bummer but also kind of

You are right about Amy's Choice, and Rory is kind of dead for the rest of the season, so okay, that really isn't a clear progression of character. Yet I still feel like there's a difference in the way Amy treated Rory early on and the way Amy treated Rory by the time they had been married for a while. Maybe I'm just