insert something clever

* So Clara's first stop on her solo adventures will definitely be Rigsy's place, to let him know she's okay, right guys? Guys?
* I'd like to believe that Moffat just wanted to let Capaldi play with the Old Console Roundels and just wrote this whole episode around that.
* Look, the whole "Missy introduced The Doctor to

* Well, the Zygons played that all pretty well. I’d say it was one of the more efficient
Doctor Who villain ploys (part-one-of-a-two-parter-efficient, that is). Then
again, had they tweaked their plan a little and not blown Fake Clara’s cover
just in time for the cliffhanger, they might’ve gotten their hands on a Tardis.

* A few weeks ago, someone here said that when Who is on top form, it's unlike anything on television, and yes, this feels close to that impeccable form. I'm hoping next week (and the rest of the series) delivers but I have all the faith.

* Bleach was phenomenal. Performer of the Week. I have no idea how you convey that much emotion through all those layers of make-up.

* for all of Moffat's faults, this episode did open with like 7-8 minutes without Earth or Clara, just aliens words (Karn! Shadow Proclamation!) and aliens (throwaway Oods!) and The Doctor. I really think he goes online and reads his own criticism, or someone in the writer's room just feels like we do. Anyway, the guy

I was fine with that for the most part, mainly because the whole thing was so plot-driven I could appreciate a few (or rather a lot) of artsy moments (they were really well done, too). That being said, that whole equilibrium falls apart in early S3, and those first three or four episodes, to me, felt like the show was

Hugh Laurie & Stephen Fry. Laurie's practically American these days and Fry [something something diversity].

The thing with River is, she was a great adventurer back in Library and throughout most of S5 and it was just refreshing to see a figure this dominating and great and seemingly all-knowing who wasn't The Doctor, but by her S6 appearances, she was mostly just acting as a fangirl and the immediate jump to her deep love

I agree. Those early season one episodes, to me, feel like it's a wholly differently used Pierce - with an almost integral sweetness to his character - and I kinda think they somehow lost track of writing him that way in later seasons. His season-two-arc is ambitious, and I like the sacrifice-y spin they put on it in

I loved the first three season of this show, but ever since it moved to a new network I felt it was more about retreading old recurring jokes (Change approved!) than inventing new ones and that bothered me a little. I liked season 4 and 5, but to me it felt like the magic had faded a bit.

Troy's new glasses really work on him, though.

Is my wanton refusal to Google the actual names acting up, or does Paget Brewster resemble S1's Michelle Slater… a lot?

This made me realize my ex still has my Mad Men Season 3 DVD.

I can't imagine this hasn't been posted somewhere before but…

I have no idea how the production schedule for this show works, but man, I hope the writers won't even consider writing Deschanel's pregnancy into the show. That'd be lethal at this point (or you know, any point).

It really is a shame. I have no real knowledge of how television works in America, but on ABC Selfie got over 3 million viewers per episode. How is that even so bad? New Girl barely gets there this year, and last year they even dropped to 2.

What are we even supposed to do now that this show is over? Download bad episodes of Burn Notice?

You seem to be taking my hyperbolic choice of words very seriously.
I only meant to hint at this peculiar new trend of the past year. But hey, Time of the Doctor is one of my top five NuWho episodes, I guess that should say enough!

For a brief moment there - when The Doctor was explaining how they were all still dreaming, and how Santa was proof of that, and Santa agreed but also insisted that The Doctor was made-up too - I thought they were going full Midnight-mode.

Wait, no Selfie?