insert something clever

But the way she loved Rory has changed so much. Look at her in The Eleventh Hour and subsequent episodes - she runs away from their wedding, kisses The Doctor and kind of wishes Rory wasn't tagging along at all. (The first real indication that she truly loved Rory was in Amy's Choice, I think.) In the end, she's

It's a strange thing, really. Name of the Doctor is the only stand-out mess of MoffWho so far for me, and all because of that convoluted plot, yet it also contains the single most beautiful moment of Series 7: when The Doctor is drinking tea with Clara, I think, and then she drops the name "Trenzalore", and the

Couldn't agree more. I've adored Moffat's work on Doctor Who so far, from his scripted episodes to his own tenure as a showrunner. I found Series 7 mildly disappointing, but most of it improves greatly on a rewatch. And you're right when you ask yourself the question: why Moffat? Sure, he's the go-to scapegoat because

I actually agree - I kind of liked Amy's arc. She went from a girl who was completely crazy for The Doctor and dismissing her totally loyal boyfriend, to a real woman who made the right choice in the climax of The Angels Take Manhattan.

That's it - I want a Capaldi/Craig episode.

Like, emotionally. Just thought it was a really beautiful moment.

Personally, I'm looking forward to the implosion of the spoiler culture surrounding GoT when the series surpass the books.
That's what you get for trying to be intellectual.

I was in the moment I heard it featured Natalie Dormer.

I completely lose it every time Baker mutters "who knows?"

Souffle Girl's attitude with Victorian Barmaid Clara's outfit, please. Thank you.

Wait until they adapt A Feast For Crows into a full season. That'd be a hoot.

Okay, I'll give you that. Dalek Clara will haunt me until the end of my days.

I agree that Clara - up until this point - hasn't done much outside of her Impossible Girl gig, but I don't really see a reason not to like her character. Has she done anything annoying that I somehow missed?

Three episodes in two years ruined on a fake bomb, a useless wedding and a terrible resolution to an okay episode. See ya in 2016.

That's right inbetween self-spoiling and curious reading in the fanboy moral grey zone.

They organize a whole worldwide tour but forget to post a few promos on the Internet. Classic.

I'll make the design for the T-shirts and the coffee mugs.

Yep, in The Pandorica Opens. Ironically enough, she was wrong - at least on that occasion.

I'm just chilling and waiting for Whovian to make his entry. This seems like the sort of place he'd hang around.

Reboot Star Wars all you want, I don't care. It's a franchise that lends itself to bigger, greater stories - stretching out into the far future, or the past, exploring its vast range of character possibilities. That's not the case with Indiana Jones. For me, at least. Indy will always be Harrison Ford. If he decides