I'm okay with Shia usually, too. He's fine in Transformers. He was good in Holes. Liked him in that one movie where Angelina Jolie is a computer, too.
I'm okay with Shia usually, too. He's fine in Transformers. He was good in Holes. Liked him in that one movie where Angelina Jolie is a computer, too.
If you'd have said baseball, I would have thought you were lying.
I remember that last part in Paul's teachings in the Bible.
Hey, Dallas (Texas) was in love with hockey for almost two entire weeks back in 1999.
…"focus that people will immediately say, "oh, Canada."
I clicked on this link solely to make essentially the same joke.
It was still the '90s when I got DSL (midway through 1999)..
Shock therapy
I thought it was going to be about fighting Nissan luxury automobiles.
But will there be a period-accurate bus in it like we've been assured is in 'Black Panther'?
Because when the filmmaker leaves the villain alive and, say, hanging from a building, the actor just goes ahead and dies before a sequel can be made.
I mean, I'm fine with it, too, but I gotta think that a Hulk movie that's actually part of the MCU would do at least as well as Thor has, if not better.
My name is Zweig.
Who are you going to believe, Joss Whedon? Or supercriminal General Zod?
Maybe the flight attendant thought Coulter looked like she might be homosexual and used her Coulter-supported 'religious freedom' to deny her the service she wished to have.
Yes. "I picked one seat and they gave me another on the same row" is the kind of thing that no one deserves. When will these slight inconveniences end? This is, by far, the worst thing that has happened on an airplane in at least 20 years.
Everybody's dyin', bitch. Let's get you some fruit.
We were too busy thinking, "Man, that Doomsday is sure some shitty CGI" to think about Superman's mortality.
Thank you for doing that math for me.
Zack Snyder and anything affiliated with him.