Hall is an amazing actor (as seen on the whole run of SFU and the first seasons of this show), but I agree, he does seem a bit bored at this point of the show.
Hall is an amazing actor (as seen on the whole run of SFU and the first seasons of this show), but I agree, he does seem a bit bored at this point of the show.
That show will probably have as much David Fincher as Boardwalk Empire has Scorcese. I really doubt he'll have much involvement after directing the pilot (correct me if I'm wrong about this, I doubt he's the showrunner).
Yeah, I'm with you there. Showtime generally keep their popular shows on for WAY too long, and they don't seem to mind it when the original showrunner bails (Dexter has had, what, five now?). While HBO seems to have a big focus on the showrunner and lets him finish the show when he wants (if they don't cancel it, of…
Oh Showtime, you've never known when to stop your shows. Weeds will end up in space while Dexter will go down to hell to confront satan (which turns out to be HIS DAD!!!!) himself.
OZ is what I think of, and he was absolutely brilliant in that show.
Oh Kristen Stewart, you're the most bland, boring actor in Hollywood.
The Heroes reviews are some of the best reviews on this site. It's like watching a reviewer trying hard to avoid suicide when watching the later seasons.
Personally, I thought Brotherhood was pretty mediocre all through its run. It didn't get much worse after the first season, but it didn't get any better either.
I agree, and it bothers me because this is a movie I really should like. I'm a big Malick fan and a big fan of slow, almost abstract movies. But Tree of Life did nothing for me.
I've been that guy regarding Fight Club. A good friend of mine didn't really care for the film when he saw it 4-5 years ago, and I spent a good two hours, drunk, at a party trying to convince him of the greatness that is Fight Club. It didn't work.
Showtime shows have a history of good first seasons, a great example is Sleeper Cell. Let's hope this show goes against the trend of Showtime shows going to shit as time goes by, it's not a network that knows how to handle serialized drama over multiple seasons.
The story is pretty standard military stuff, but I can understand why some people like it. My problem with the single player is that it's under 5 hours long and it feels like literally half of it is on rails (from a boat, a car etc.). Other than that, you mostly just follow a dude with a big "Follow" written over his…
Yeah, I don't think "from the producers of…" will ever make me want to see a movie. Producers with just a production credit will 99 times out of 100 have had little to no creative input on the film. Putting a "from the producer of" on a poster is a major warning sign for me.
Yeah, there's companion characters. You meet random people in the cities or out in the world, and it's quite obvious who you can get as a companion. When you buy a house you can tell them to wait there, so it's a good system.I never use them in Bethesta games, so I can't speak to how useful they are.
That badly photoshopped picture of Sandler in a wig made me laugh.
Twilight happened. She doesn't get much to play with in that film (usless girl whose only role is as a love interest for a depressed shiny vampire and a shirtless indian werewolf), but my god is she bland and boring in those movies.
Single player, but you could still use 300 hours in the game without seeing everything.
@avclub-efd5a10c877af6115fa4226391671750:disqus Well, the "You might be anointed by an ancient priesthood as the greatest warrior
in all the land, only to walk 10 yards down the road and get slaughtered
by a stray bear." line still makes it sound a lot worse than it is though. After a few levels you won't have any…
I haven't encountered any performance difference, so if there is one, it's not something you'll notice. The third person view is a LOT better than the robotic, sliding character from the previous games. You actually see the impact of what you're doing now. But the aming is still far from perfect in third person, so…
Ah, come on. That guy is obviously a troll…has to be. To complain about a TES being too open and having too deep systems is so absurd that the person has to be trolling.