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Just bookmark this link: http://www.avclub.com/featu…
Let Genevieve review it!
Jerry and George pretending not to know each other in that episode is easily a top 5 Seinfeld scene for me, comedic perfection.
We love the new Jason Heller novel, and here's why you should, too.
The writers talked about making episodes that commented on the show itself in the last two seasons (Bizarro Jerry might be the most meta of those episodes, but I think that's in general a theme in post-Larry Seinfeld).
I'm one of the (few?) people who didn't really mind the show getting a bit more "crazy" in the last two seasons. They changed things up and stayed extremely funny, not a bad thing at all. The only season I really don't count as a classic is the first.
Great interview, great performance, great artist.
Please explain how this relates to this review (or the reviews of the show in general). This episode fucking blew, and I'm saying that as a gay man.
But do Glee itself give credit to the "original covers" (if that's a thing)? Like in the show's credits or something? That fans credit whose arrangements Glee use isn't exactly something to give Glee credit for.
I survived this firstie!
Get over it.
Newman: "…and from what I hear, the Serbs are fanatic about their showers"
But what I'm saying is that there's not much character development in this show, not much characterization. Even though there's much talking there's, in other word, not much development.
I think Alison Brie is the right answer.
Terra Nova needs more Dawes. The music, all the band members as actors, dinosaurs based on their godly music. Everything!
Maybe they actually were there to make friends?
That's like an AV Club dream lineup right there, @avclub-0398e75c1be48a8f66c9cb1c9e6b2052:disqus .
Just have to say that this might be my favourite new show of 2011, ahead of Homeland. It's wonderfully sad and funny, well-acted, well-written and well-directed. It's a shame that nobody is watching and that it'll get cancelled, HBO really didn't promote this show at all (and it didn't help that they put it behind…
Yeah, that's what I thought. Thanks!
Yeah, he was one of the main writers. I think he could be called the showrunner.