
I remember playing that game about 10 years ago, and holy fucking shit is that game hard. And it's not hard in a fair way, it's hard because there's mostly just one correct way to go through the game, and all other paths will mean a game over (instant death and all that). God damn did I hate-play the shit out of that

It's not like AV Club is alone in giving it a mediocre score, it has under 50 % on RT at the moment.

Another fantastic delivery from Jerry in that episode is the Jerry-Elaine exchange: “Would she have hooks?” “Do hooks make it more attractive, Jerry?” “It's kinda cool-looking.”

Death Blow: When someone tries to blow you up, not because of who you are but because of different reasons altogether.

If I remember correctly, those big hands belong to a random guy that worked on the set who happened to have big hands. And yes, I agree, I love that sub-plot.

Why should he prove that he read the whole thing? You haven't provided ANYTHING that suggests that he hasn't. Do you require every lit to upload a video of him/her reading the entire book he/she has reviewed? God, I hate the when people dismiss reviews they don't like with "the dude just skimmed it".

I like how honest your are about publishers punishing reviewers and publications for bad reviews. My impression is that a large part of the gaming media don't want to talk about that, it's in any case not a big topic when it should be. The most infamous example has to be the Kane & Lynch debacle over at GameSpot where

Next up: The Holocaust in 3D

Yeah, I totally agree with this. I was way into D&D when in my youth* (my early teens, mostly), and I hid that shit from most of the people I knew because, as someone here said, D&D was (and still is, really) the most un-cool hobby ever. That it might be OK to really like dragons as a mythical creature (because of

The whole backlash against "the 53%" not paying taxes or whatever really baffles me. That people actually takes that seriously, morally and from an economic standpoint, makes me question the human race even more than before.

I'm sure they loved him warning "the people" of China trying to develop nuclear weapons, ignoring the fact that it has had them for half a century. God, the state of American politics…

@avclub-f0282b5ff85e7c9c66200d780bd7e72e:disqus Yeah, unless Romney fucks it up for himself he'll win the nomination. Perry is the only serious contender left, but it seems less and less likely that he'll be able to catch up.

You're overthinking this, Martha. @avclub-b030afbb3a8af8fb0759241c97466ee4:disqus is correct, the reason he "gets away with being weird" is that he's been doing this for decades now. If Dylan suddenly started freaking out in videos it would be strange, but that's because he's not that type of guy (at least in our

Having a bad day?

High praise indeed.

Common is "a fucking intense actor"? If by "fucking intense" you mean "mediocre", I agree.

Agree to disagree, I guess.

and/or Lucia Micarelli.

For me, it's a depressing feel-good show. If that makes any sense.

Well, I think the OP is thinking of the quality of the show more than the ratings. The ratings will probably stay up because of ZOOOOOMBIES!!!!!,  but with how soapy the comic gets, the future of this show's quality is pretty bleak (granted, the show doesn't exactly stick close to the source material).