
Well, it'll be more than five seasons even without the two last books. There's no chance that the third book will just be one season (both Martin and the creators of the show have said that they at least want 16 episodes, but they'd prefer two whole seasons - and there's no reason for HBO to try to speed things up, if

But it was so unbelievably stupid, even for this group. It took me out of the scene from the first second. And how the fuck did that zombie get in there to begin with? That farm doesn't seem very secure.

I really loved the look of Brooklyn in the this episode, it seems spot on from the photos I've seen from that era.

Melissa Leo.

Completely agree with this. It's obvious that the kiss and him speaking arabic was just a part of the interrogation. And if it wasn't, it would be pretty stupid to do anything that could indicate him having "switched sides" given that people were watching the whole thing. I also saw the Kadish as just him being


To add to that, Al's last line of dialogue to the Reverend is "you can go now, brother".

Well, I kinda get the comparison in that both are powerful men with a dark side (a lot more so for Swearengen of course, him killing multiple people in the show and all) who likes their monologues. But Swearengen is just a so much better written (and acted) character that I think it's unfair to Deadwood's memory to


If I'm not mistaken, Eric Overmyer, the co-creator, has lived in New Orleans for many, many years. Same goes for some of the staff writers. So it's not like it's just an outsider's view of the city.

I really, really like the first season, but the second season is absolutely amazing. Especially Annie's storyline is fantastic. I would really recommend you to stick with it.

And the second season is even better!

Yeeeeah, I don't think Simon would agree to that.

I at least thought the political stuff was inspired in season 5, maybe the best political story they ever did. Especially the Clay Davis story was strong, and I loved how he more or less ended up on top even though he was such a corrupt SOB.

Been re-watching From the Earth to the Moon, and have to say that I really liked his performance in that show.

No, Seinfeld says on the DVD extras that the reason he dropped them was because he didn't have the time to write the stand up bits and be the sole showrunner.

When a movie named Clash of the Titans is boring as shit, you know you have problems.

Jameson is probably the reason for the bleeps, yes. AV Club doesn't seem to have a problem with swearing from their own writers.

@avclub-6c8349cc7260ae62e3b1396831a8398f:disqus Fraiser's relationship with Roz is, imo, one of the best things about the show. It would be such a cliche and easy to write a "will they won't they" about those two, as close friends and co-workers as they were. But the show rarely went that route, which I appreciate.