
Yeah, I loved it when they finally introduced it to GTA IV in the Gay Tony DLC.

Brainfart on my end here.

Well, isn't the PC ports of GTA games always kinda shit anyways?

From the trailer, it seems like it'll be more than just Los Santos. I'm basing that mostly on the mountain shots, and it seems strange for them to go back to LA and not repeat the extreme sandbox that was San Andreas. It's good that we got planes in the first trailer, so you can pretty much assume that those will be

They are, but I've never been impressed with those games. The mechanics are shoddy as hell, and the writing always strikes me as writers trying to force as much random shit as they can into the game. It's not organic, it just feels forced.

I wouldn't call Arkham City an open world game, really. It's Open-ish, but more or less every mission is inside one of the buildings, and the only stuff you can do outside is travel to said missions or do riddler quests/other similar stuff. It's not like a R* game where the open world is the whole point of the game.

Well, that was Team Bondi. Rockstar just did the polishing plus they published the game, but it was mostly a Team Bondi production.

For the amount of time you can spend with a game (at least if you're buying something like GTA, and not just the single player of COD or some shit like that), I'd say that the amount of content you get for that price rivals most entertainment.

I think we can assume that motorcycles will be in the game. There was backlash when they didn't include it in GTA IV, and they went back on that decision when they finally included it in The Lost and Damned. And a game in that setting pretty much has to have boats.

More important, what about cancerAIDS?

What year are we in?!

Well, he's still doing stuff with Dan the Automator from time to time I think, and he has that "band" with him (that hasn't really turned out to be much, I guess). So there's hope. I just generally want Dan the Automator to produce some hip hop again, I fucking love Dr. Octagonecologyst and Deltron 3030, shame he's

I'm not arguing one way or the other if the controls are good or not, I'm just saying that it's not really inconsistent to give the second game a pass on the controls (as long as it's a big improvement on the first), but come down on it in the third if it still hasn't, in the reviewers mind, evolved. That's all I'm

One aspect of this is that most review sites, at least the bigger ones, tend to assign games of certain genres to the same reviewers every time. One person always gets the FPS games, another the RPGs etc. That may account for much of the grade inflation and consensus in the video game industry, as opposed to movies

The thing is, his gripes about the control mechanics seem to be mainly that they didn't change what, for him, was obvious problems with the second game. It's clear that the second game was a big improvement on the first when it came to controls (the shooting in the first game was mediocre, they fixed that to a certain

Jesus Christ.

I wouldn't say that a C, at least by this site's standards, is a 50, it's more like 60 or 70%. Blame that on Metacritic, I know they've scored other C's on this site higher than 50.

Is Amy Winehouse the new 2pac? I'll be expecting about 15 new albums and four or five films in the next ten or so years. Get on that shit, Amy's ghost!

Oh come on, did you just compare UC3 to Godfather Part II?! I doubt many publications and gamers with a memory that pans more than three years back would put UC2 very high on a greatest games of all time list. It's a very, very good game, but it didn't do anything new, it just did some things better than most. Never

I just can't believe that someone actually believe the Saul as a mole theory. I've never seen the show even hinting at that.