
Well, I'm not complaining that we didn't get to see the man's cock when he was urinating on Brody. I'm really not. But if you want to see penis upon penis (heh), look no further than HBO's Rome. Game of Thrones had some nice penis shots too, if I remember correctly, same with The Wire (that even had a fake erect Mayor

What about that dude working with Carrie at the CIA? I'm guessing he's not a terrorist.

To continue talking about The Wire, I think that show showed that the villains (Stringer, Avon et al) can be the same over multiple seasons if it's done right. That's especially true if those characters are well-written and not the standard evil person cliche. Having said that, pulling something like that off is

"Two years after release, more people play Uncharted 2 regularly than
several thriving games on Steam, like Team Fortress 2 or the
aformentioned Black Ops."

Well, actually taking the time to register on a site to respond to a negative review of a game that isn't even out yet is pretty fanboy-ish.

But he DOES explain it in that same paragraph. It's fine if you don't agree with it, but he at least explains it.

It's amazing what you can find on the internet though. I remember when Blizzard were trying to require you to post with your real name in their forums people were looking people up just from their username (the victims were the people claiming that you couldn't find much on the net if you covered your tracks).In 15

You're seriously posting all of this under your real name?

Ah, so it was you posting all that racist shit under a real name, @avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus . Good to know.

Wow, a person registering on a site just to say that they looked up personal information of one of the staff and mock him. Fuck you very much, sir.

I still remember people starting flame wars over at gamestrailers.com when they gave Metal Gear Solid 4 "only" a 9.4 (I think that's correct). People were PISSED because the story got a lower grade than the story in Halo 3.

It's short because this is the article published in AVC's print edition, and there's a strict limit on the amount of words. It doesn't make a lot of sense when it comes to games (you can describe a film and an album a lot better with so few words imo), but it's not an indication of the reviewer not having patience for

@avclub-796eb50a93f0f090063f36d64268dd97:disqus Yeah, I agree with this. Being short and precise has it's advantages, especially since most game reviews tend to be too long, but a game generally can't be reviewed in just 500 words. I would prefer them doubling the word count on the net.

My main problem with game reviews on sites like Gametrailers, IGN etc. is the extremely close ties between many gaming  journalists and game developers, to another level entirely than the relationship between music critics and musicians and film critics and the film industry. I still think the Gamespot incident with

Heh, just ignore the game media and the people who play games, and all will be fine. I too got really sick of the amount of hype that surrounded BF3 before it was released (at least before that launch, Christ do EA fuck things up for their developers when they insist on them using EA Origin and the other online crap

Well, I would say that BF3 is more expansive than the Bad Company games (if that's the games you're thinking of, and not BF2) with the 64 players online (on a PC), the ability to fly jets etc. So it's not a complete retread.

That's the best avatar on this page.


But the main character sucks, I can't see how they will be able to improve upon that seeing as the whole idea of this character is annoying. With that in mind, I don't hold high hopes of this show ever being better than mediocre.

"This might be my favorite Nickelback song, which, granted, is pretty much like saying bacterial vaginosis is your favorite STI"