
My point is that I think a big portion of the audience is laughing as much at the characters as with them. Like with Howard and his strange relationship with his mom and his general creepy ways, Raj's general behaviour (I'll give the writers a point for dedication, but holy shit should they have done something with

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus  It's a running joke in the same way as Michael calling Ann "her?" is. It doesn't need to be a standard jokey joke to be a running joke. It's not a catchphrase, that's for sure.

What are you talking about? People here generally hated/disliked the Frank's brother episode, and I personally wasn't a big fan of last week's episode either. But I loved this episode, and that's not for the bullshit reason you just made up ("some kind of comedic avant-garde minimalism", seriously?) but because it was


This is just one of many examples of Damon Albarn being high as shit.

His "first movies"?

Yeah, Randy is an awesome character, and this episode was fantastic (best episode for the past few seasons for sure).

That picture looks like a big, lame Pez dispencer.

HBO has the right idea. I've bitched about this before, but putting the "last week on…" scenes after the credits makes no sense to me. It kills the momentum.

I love The Walking Dead's credits. The show, not so much (still holding out hope that it'll get better).

Yeah, no doubt. Homeland is not like most Showtime shows (ie fucking garbage) in that it doesn't seem to feel the need to throw a sequence of SHOCKING THING HAPPENING every minute. And even though it's still early days for the show, things happening actually have consequences, not like fucking Dexter where everything

Wu Tang, motherfucker.

Good to know, shows you how much I remember from that game.

Did Dr. Phil say his catchphrase, "Hey now!"?

Have you played GTA III recently? I wouldn't say that it's easier to trick the cops in that game, they still swarm you pretty fast if you get a few stars (and the framerate can get pretty fucking crappy when there's enough of them on the screen, so that doesn't help). I consider GTA III to be the worst of the "new"

The radio stations are one of my favourite things about this series. The talk radio stations have generally been funny in all the games since GTA III, and the music is varied and, with exceptions, good. Even the ads are worth listening to.

Eh, don't see how it made it "damned near unplayable". You could just ignore them, like I did.

Wonderful episode, especially loved the scene in the woods with the two hunters. Beautiful dialogue. And I have to say that I really liked the look of that dog, that dog looked like he had lived for 100 years.

I agree that the new characters seem good-ish, but what did this episode have that the pilot lacked? Less Andrea, that's always good, but more T-Dog, and that's never good. The dialogue was still quite awful, and there was zero character work. The zombie scene in the pilot was better than this episode's zombie scene.

I agree in principle, problem for me is that they still haven't fleshed out the characters (Daryl is the only one who doesn't need to be anything other than a fucking badass, the others need some story). I'm all for a good drama show, but the minimum I require from that is some characters I can care about. This show