
Nope and nope.

The Stone Roses is one of my favourite albums of all time.

Yeah, agree completely. I might be the biggest Bioware fanboy out there (and the biggest Bethesta fanboy), but was dissapointed with this game. My biggest ongoing complain with Bioware is, as you mentioned, the lack of classes. That's something Bioware has been doing gradually, and something I fucking hate as a big

Agree with this. I also like to imagine that both games are Baldur's Gate games, given that BG2 might be my favourite game of all time (with Zelda OoT).

Hey, don't discriminate! You have to write your username like that for AV Club to accept it.

@avclub-f62296b9393b6ab9229ebde91ed8469f:disqus I agree with you about the style of The Wire, it fits the show extremely well. It's supposed to be a "realistic" (up to a point, see Omar) show about institutions, so a "uncinematic" style fits it well. But I also think that some shows can pull off a more flashy style,

You should re-watch Deadwood too!

Especially Snoop and Bubbles can be hard to understand. The king of this is Deadwood, no matter how many times I watch that show I still need subtitles to catch all the dialogue.

Exactly. You just have to dig a little deeper to be considered a nerd in a bad, not "good", way. Like when I began talking about what I considered to be the best "graphical novels" of all time to a random girl at a party. That's not cool at all.

My two main problems with DAII were 1) the little to none varierty in locations, and 2) the dumbing down of the RPG elements. It's a C+ game imo, feels like the first time Bioware really rushed something without finishing it (I'm blaming EA!).

Best Ryan Adams song?

Plenty of people think the writing and character work on WD can be painfully bad, including me. Look at the women on that show, those are some of the worst female characters on TV today (they're all useless and whiny). The show looks fantastic, but the writing has been bad from the second episode. And CBS has proven

A lot of the gore is fan service, really. Like the "cutting up the zombie" scene in this episode. I think that's part of the genre, so I'm okay with it. What bothers me though is that a scene like that is just another excuse to not move the plot forward. Seriously, this show is going nowhere at this point.

I really don't think this episode was any better than last season (the pilot is obviously the superior episode, I'm talking about the five other episodes). Still some good action, but the writing and character work is as bad as always.

The episode was 63 minutes long (with all the "last season on The Walking Dead" stuff). But it's not like networks haven't called 42 minutes dramas "one hour dramas" for years and years, so who can blame AMC for doing the same thing?

The Walking Dead written by David Simon and Ed Burns sounds like a fantastic idea! Stringer Bell, Snoop, Chris, Bodie etc could come back as zombies!

There's a lot of moments like that, for sure. Another one from this episode is why the hell Rick would have his son follow him on the rescue mission of the girl, when they know that time is running out. Just doesn't make any sense at all. They desperatly need to give the characters some depth soon, especially the

Another upside of killing the kids is that they'll solve the rapidly aging kids problem the show is having.

I think it was only in selected episodes? Don't remember much about that show tbh, but I think that's correct. There's many shows that do this in selected episodes, and that's OK - what I dislike the most is shows like The Shield that often cut off a song abruptly in order to play the standard, end credits song. Just

Andrea is apparantly awesome in the comic (haven't read it), so here's hoping that they can move her a bit towards that. I fucking HATE her character at the moment, so it's going to be a long journey.