
The writing kills the tension in this show for me. The big zombie scene should be intense at hell, but I don't care about these characters so it wouldn't really bother me if any of them died. It's not like Breaking Bad where even small moments can be intense as fuck because I actually care.

Agree completely. The show has never been as good as the little time Rick spent with Morgan and his son. Him having to kill his wife is still the best (can I say that about a scene like that?) scene in the show.

About episode 6, I think.

People seem to like zombies, and CBS shows have shown that you don't need quality in order to get viewers.

There's a lot of monologues in this show with people just standing around looking awkward. The short-haired woman praying infront of everyone in church was maybe the best (worst) example of that.

Not a big surprise, really. A big hit last season would always get bigger numbers for the premier of this season. Still, that's fantastic numbers for AMC.

Rich Kids Run Ish (Seniors 2011) and then the name of the school

Sopranos is the first series that comes to mind when thinking about this, and that might be the series that perfected it. It seems like more or less only cable shows do this, while most network shows have the same outro song each episode.

Probably that games are not art!

I just watched that show again, and I'm convinced that Milch wrote every episode on an epic drug trip. Still, I like the show because it's SUCH a trainwreck.

Dexter is Showtime's biggest hit, so it's not gonna get cancelled. The reason SoA didn't get a nomination is 1) the season pretty much sucked and 2) the show is on FX, and the Emmy jury hates FX.

Yeah, I decided to begin to stop watching bad shows even though I'd already seen multiple seasons of said show when I realized that I had actually sat though all of Heroes. And you're right, that info doesn't interest me.

Eh, last season of SoA pretty much sucked, so even mediocre Dexter was  better imo. Don't know about this season though, gave up on the show.

What deus ex machina are you referring to?

I thought it was quite obvious that Nancy would ask them to do something for her after the last episode, so I don't think the writers even tried to trick us or anything.

Really liking this season so far, and I'm saying this as a big Entourage hater (I don't see that much of a connection between the two shows, but whatever). It's the best Dramady out there at the moment with likeable characters I really care about. The Ben/Cam storyline is going strong, but I agree with you about the

That the writers actually named him T-Dog is one of my favourite things about this show, it just defines how badly written this show can be.

I too come to this show for the zombies, but that's because I've actually seen the abysmal dialogue and character work in this show. Seriously, I do not care about any of these characters and I can only name a couple of them.

Both those shows are worse than WD, but that doesn't mean that WD is anything more than an OK show. I still don't care about any of the characters on WD, but at least the action is tolerable.