
Loving this show so far…but that intro was fucking awful.

Just like Diablo 2 and soon Diablo 3?

Well, the thing is, Farmville isn't a farming "sim". It's just one of those easy to learn, easy to get addicted to games. It's a big difference between Farmville and the boring-as-shit farming sims out there.

There was a lot of that going on in the episode. Like the writers were afraid they wouldn't get a second episode and tried to do everything in the pilot.

The natural next step seems to be to cancel CW.

I gave it a D because of the complete lack of any focus. I'm all for a crazy horror show, but that pilot was just a clusterfuck of stuff happening seemingly at random. Some of the writing was also extremely bad. I'll probably give this a chance when season 1 is complete, this feels like a show that has to be seen in

Twin Peaks was pretty focused as long as it was actually good. It was basically "who's the killer" with some added craziness. It got really messy when it went to complete shit, so that's not a very favourable comparison if you want to say that the pilot of AHS was good.

I think it was, and after many bad New Years cigars, I can totally relate to that line.

Eh, I liked his GoT reviews.

@avclub-5fdbaa11bd42c308322756f60f43785f:disqus I more or less always agree with you regarding Seinfeld, but here I have to disagree. I know this is a matter of personal feelings etc., but are we not over that Laugh Factory incident by now? I really don't give a shit about it anymore. Was he being sincere or was he

I fucking hate FG for being a shit, unfunny show…but it's a basically a sketch show, and that's not the problem. The problem is piss-poor writing. The worst episodes of that show is when they try to flesh out the characters, but that might be because the characters are so flat at this point (Peter is an imbecile with

Those two dudes on the left are looking at the dude on the right like they've never seen a black guy in their entire life.

You could add Seinfeld to that as maybe the best example. The show was just scraping by with virtually no viewers for the first 2-3 seasons, got a bit of a base in the fourth season and was a mega-hit in the fifth season when it got the Cheers spot.

The  Seinfeld pilot is just strange because of the way it looks. Many shows change a lot from the pilot to the second episode, but I can't think of a show that changes more dramatically than Seinfeld. The pilot is OK, but it's not at all up to the level of what became my favourite show ever.

I think I would remember the show fondly if it just had that first season. Now though, God do I hate Glee.

Come on, she's in the show for like 20 minutes combined.

At this point, I'm a bit tired of the "everything was better in season 4" attitude of the reviews. And it seems like Sims really, really likes the story arcs to the point that he has to mention the lack of a story arc in way too many reviews. For me the show was never really about the arcs, but about the individual

Sims seem to mention the "decline in quality" in one form or another in more or less every review now. It's getting a bit tiresome.

Who the fuck cares anyway? It's a funny gag, end of. Who still cares about the Laugh Factory bullshit?

Gossip Girl with MAGIC!