
As for the cost, Fox shows will in general get a bigger budget than FX series, which tend to be low-budget affairs (Powers might be an exception, but I can totally see them managing to make that show on a fairly small-ish budget too). Terra Nova has a very big budget, even though the show sucks balls. But I agree that

I would not love it if Fox News turned Ron Swanson into a poster boy for the Tea Party people…

I pretty much lost interest in the show after the first season, but kept on watching anyway, and I have to say that I thought the Lithgow season might be their best season. The last two episodes were some of the most creepy shit I've seen on TV. Never got past episode six in season five though.

Ah, come on. People on this site seem generally to like GOOD comedies. A show like Always Sunny always gets good vibes here, and there's no real "heart" in that show. It's just funny, simple as that. Same goes for Seinfeld. It's too easy to dismiss the criticism of FG with the critics here just being into "cute"

I hope it's better than the comics version, because that pretty much blows.

Yeah, I meant both this show and the reality show(s) AMC has planned look mediocre at best.

Does it tolerate low ratings though? Both Breaking Bad and Mad Men get good enough ratings for any basic cable network to justify it staying on, especially with both shows being so critically loved. Rubicon got shitty ratings, and that show was cancelled. With the financial problems of AMC, I doubt they can really

It's getting 5+ million viewers each week, which is True Blood numbers…in other words, pretty fantastic numbers for a basic cable network. But the show is still pretty shit though.

Eh, if Hell on Wheels is mediocre I'll start to dismiss AMC. What with all the financial problems and not having a good show since Breaking Bad (Rubicon was kinda…meh). This show and the reality bullshit doesn't help them either, at least for now.

Worst date movie: A Serbian Film.

I'm rewatching new Battlestar Galactica right now. Forgot how incredibly good that show could be at times, and I'm one of the few who didn't really mind the ending of the show so I have a lot more patience for the religious aspect of it. But it does begin to drag when you get to the fourth season. I'll still call it

You're too cool for school, man!

I love this complaint, like everyone didn't figure out quite early that God was real in the new BSG universe. Seriously, rewatch the show, it's not like they dropped a bombshell on us in the finale.

Futurama was a "bit shite" before being cancelled?

…and the internet explodes.

You just know that they will manage to fuck this up if it gets more than a season, this being on Showtime and all that. I can't think of a show that has sustained its quality over multiple seasons on Showtime. Maybe Queer as Folk, but that's about it. Sleeper Cell, which is similar to this show in some ways, went to

wtf is H8R lol

I think we all know that (it doesn't really make sense that he's going to make the girl wet herself when having sex, unless he's really into golden showers).

I still think it has a good chance of being renewed if it keeps around a 1.5 demo just because the Fox execs seem to like the show and it's not like they're going to be able to put any other show in that timeslot that will light the world on fire. But I see that it lost 0.3 in the demo for this episode, which makes me

There's NEVER been a serialized show on network TV that has managed to go a whole season without case of the week/filler episodes. It's just not doable. At least Fringe has some of the best case of the week episodes.