
We do? If the show can sustain the amount of viewers it had in the first episode (a big "if"), it has a good chance of getting renewed. It has OK demo numbers for a show on Friday.

The box contained the "dead things" he talked about his father finding.

It seems plausible that his memory would be a bit blurry, given that the Earth-2 version of him drilled a hole in his scull and inserted a large amount of cold liquid into his brain and/or body.

Fauxlivia is a lot better, Bolivia just sounds strange since it's the name of a country.

Agree completely. I just hope it keeps it viewers so it'll probably be renewed. This getting cancelled without being able to finish the story properly would be Deadwood- and Firefly-level tragic.

Led Zeppelin, man. That might be the best example.

I still can't believe that this song exists. Seriously, "I'm gonna make you wet the bed". HOW THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE SEXY?

7th Heaven was on the air for like 15 years, so it'll probably find an audience.

I would imagine that being sole showrunner especially for a network drama with 20+ episde per season would be almost impossible. Fringe also has 2-3 showrunners IIRC.

It's a bit random because AV Club has been pimping pop culture they like in the newswire for a long time. It might have something to do with the tone of that particular article though, "WE LIKE DAWES AND HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD TOO!". Either way, I still enjoy the meme.

Is it really a surprise that Cowell treats the contestants like pieces of shit? He's been doing that since day one, and yes, I agree that it's still in very bad taste.

It's still doing alright in the ratings. I'm not surprised that us AV Clubbers aren't the most avid fans though.

Well, I still think Carter could've got a show running after X-Files if he wanted to. Even though he created some duds, I still believe he had enough goodwill left in the business.

Well, that's not very normal, but I'm guessing it sometimes happens because the showrunner underestimates how extremely time consuming it is to actually have that job. We're talking regular 100+ hours weeks of stressful work with the added pressure of constant dealines hanging over your head. You'll likely have more

Well, you have to remember that being a showrunner is one of the hardest jobs in show business with an enormous creative responsibility. Depending on how much control you want over your show, you write some of the episodes and do re-writes/stories on most of the other episodes. At least on cable, most of the

Always Sunny hasn't really done episodes that are more deeply plotted than this: This episode focused on one thing, the beauty pageant. What episodes have been more focused than that?

"And Dee isn't completely incompetent to the point where she would sing "vagina" in a song."

This was not over-the-top enough for you?!