
That's the mother of all firsties, @avclub-0398e75c1be48a8f66c9cb1c9e6b2052:disqus .

Fair enough, @avclub-f0c0614e6c066d6c90456385e17f072a:disqus .

Doesn't Stan Lee have anything to say about this?

Exactly. It's like Superman and the Justice League; just keep that damn kryptonite away from him and he's not going to finish the mission with his demi-god powers. Maybe Martian Manhunter could help, but who cares about that fucking guy?

"The fact that she was executive producer on this movie suggests that she thought it a worthy project…"

Being an executive producer means jack shit in both movies and TV. It
can be a person with a lot of control over the movie, or it's an
actor/famous person who has nothing to do with the producing of the
film. I'm guessing the last option is true here.

Like shirtless George coming out from the bathroom.


I'm going to stay out of that pedo discussion, but Chloe Moretz might be the most exciting child actor right now. She was fucking fantastic in both Let Me In and Kick Ass, and seems to be good at choosing which movies to star in. According to IMDB she's getting a shit ton of work too, so good for her.

This rivals the Andy Rooney comment as the best comment under the new system. Fantastic!

That seems to be a problem for everyone. It didn't work at first, but they fixed it and now it's broken again.

Failure is the lowest the film can get in this column, "fiasco" indicates a spectacular failure, a film with ambition. This is not any of those things.

I fucking hated the J. Edgar trailer though. Awful piece of media.

I hate you, Random Lego Guy.

They could, but it has to be profitable. Fox has showed time and time again that they won't renew a show just because it's a big hit with the critics (WHERE'S FIREFLY???) if the ratings aren't there. And with a bigger cost, they'll need better numbers (more ad revenue) to justify keeping it on.

Mostly agree with you about BSG. It bothered me that people kept on bitching about the religious aspect of the show getting stronger in the fourth season because that had been there since more or less episode one (and proved to be more or less real). The end with them landing on earth etc. felt a bit off, mostly

I think I love Primer, but never really understood the timeline in that film. But it's so much of a mindfuck that I really didn't care.

The Palestinian Chicken episode was a stone cold classic. Don't kid yourself.

If Modern Family can do it, Breaking Bad sure as hell should get more than one nomination in the Supporting Cast category.