
Oh Georgy…


I still think Saul would be concerned if Ted is dead. It's not really easy to explain how he died by accident, as opposed to being pushed or something like that by the people forcing him to write a big-ass check.

The Wire spoilers:

The easy way to get rid of the problem would be to have Ted just pay the money like any non-retarded person would do. Him dying just creates a lot of potential problems.

But sometimes they do spoil a lot, it varies from week to week. I stopped watching those early in the show for exactly that reason.


I have to tie it with Boardwalk Empire. The shows look completely different, but I love how both of those shows look. It's dissapointing to hear (from Todd WDV) that the new AMC series, Hell on Wheels, apparantly looks really bland. A show like The killing may suck, but at least it looks good…same goes for The Walking

"It was an act of God, ain't no account for no act of God"

I give him 10 minutes before I call 911.

Totally agree, the Kirby game for the Wii is one of the best looking games ever in my opinion, at least in art direction. It's also fun as hell. Really looking forward to playing this game.

Worst 3D:

I envy you, one of the few game series that just gets better and better.

Meh, there's a lot of good games out there. I haven't bought a FPS/TPS in years, but don't buy the "everything was better in the old days" mentality of a lot of my fellow old(ish) gamers.

Depends how you define "shooters", really. Almost every FPS/TPS now has RPG elements, like getting XP on multiplayer etc. The question is when it goes from a shooter to an RPG, an adventure game or something else. I would claim that all the game you mention are mainly RPGs, even though Mass Effect 2 was such a

Kettle. Black. You talk about strawman, but you still use the famous "science is a religion for many atheists". What does that even mean? An atheist will in general require proof for something to be true, we do not believe in  things based on faith. We don't "worship" science, that doesn't even begin to make sense.

I would say that maybe two articles a week get over 1000 comments. And shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones regulary get over 1000 comments per episode.

You know your show sucks when you have to steal jokes from Will and Grace. That's only slightly better than stealing jokes from Dharma and Greg.

Worked more or less every day of the week, twelve hours a day the few years I worked as a lawyer. Just couldn't take it, so now I work in a cushy government job. Less pay of course, but haven't worked a weekend for a couple of years. Have a lot of time to catch up on my pop culture needs now!

Let's get some perspective here, the anti-abortion movement and the laws they pass are peanuts compared with the treatment of women in parts of countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan etc. in the name of Islam (I don't think abortion is legal in any of those countries, I might be wrong about