
Well, the difference is that virtually no Christian person actually lives by that and other similar parts of the bible while a pretty big chunk of the muslim population in mainly muslim countries in one way or another are oppressing women in the name of religion (or "culture", which is just another name of religion in

"I agree that that kind of proof isn't available, but that doesn't render the whole discussion moot."

Eh, what constitutes as "evidence" is just subjective for people who don't have any evidence for their argument (here, that means religious people). You have to be able to test and verify something for it to be called an evidence, so some old scrolls can't really be called anything other than some old scrools.

"I do think that the left is being more sensitive to people of
faith(including Christians) based on the fact that a lot of people turn
back to their belief system once they grow older and have kids."

"You can find Christians today arguing for more robust social services for the poor and sick and homeless."

I can't speak for the American experience, but here in northern Europe, going to church is just plain ol' boring. My parents are pretty Christian (but in that boring, protestant way), so I got dragged to church a lot in my youth, but never experienced anything other than singing some songs, reciting some verses. But I

Another side of that is that the athlete thanking God seems to think that God  chose him over the people he was competing against. Same goes for people thanking God in their Oscar speak or whatever.

The "you can't prove that God doesn't exist argument" is rubbish, because you can NEVER prove a negative. But you can say that there's never been ANY believable evidence of the existance of any deity, ever. How is believing in the Christian (or Muslim, whatever) God any different than believing in, say, Santa? Just

IIRC, she actually didn't see Richards falling over like that, that's why she didn't laugh when it happened.

Yeah, I always imagined that Andre 3000 is a big fan of Seinfeld when I heard that.

Eh, the penis is worse. Fuck that guy.

Polly Walker makes anything better with her incredible hotness, even CSI.

Wasn't that about her not being at fault for crashing her car (it was her fault IIRC)? A great episode of a great show, at least the first seasons of the show.

That Cam and Mitchell more or less only have "gay problems" is pretty accurate imo, they're just big stereotypes.

It's OK.

The woman playing that Israeli chick is way hotter than the goth girl, assuming she's still on the show.

We've had this discussion in TVDW's article about multi-camera sitcoms about a week ago, and people were divided. I still believe there's hope for the format, it's all down to the writing. Today, people writing for multi-camera sitcoms seem to be lazy and/or bad and Lorre hasn't exactly given it a good name with his

How many jokes about big black cocks and inserting said cocks into Lisa Lampanelli's ass were there on that Charlie Sheen roast? 

And that says something about the quality of new network tv shows.