
Every time I watch that show I imagine it being a spin off of Battlestar Galactica in Honolulu.

It seems like most of my friends love this show. I've had many a drunken discussion with people saying that "it's just a funny show, it doesn't need to be Shakespeare or anything" with me getting more and more pissed at the idea of anyone actually liking this show. I just can't see how this show is funny.

The show takes place before the T-Rex walked the earth, but you can bet that they won't resist the temptation to include one of those fuckers in the show.

A shame that Dragon Age II and to a lesser extent the first Dragon Age kinda sucked. I always feared that Bioware would go the way of many of the companies bought by EA, and Dragon Age II is the first bad game they've produced (at least as long as I can remember). It's a shame that it seems like they're done making

What about some artists throwing that shit around in their videos just to fuck with people? They know that there are groups on the internet that are obsessed with this stuff, so they use some symbols as a joke. Most of stuff on that website seems to be people seeing a vague triangle or whatever in a video and

But that dude IS gorgeous!

Indeed. Love me some In Treatment, and her portrayal of Sophie is my favourite from the show.

@avclub-b10ec5bd6b2d491d3a1fb43631adf750:disqus "I don't think it's unreasonable to say that, when the Chinese government
imprisons, tortures, and kills Christians and Buddhists, they do so in
the name of atheism."

That's only for staff writers.

What's up with all that Illuminati shit on the internet anyway? Every fucking youtube video of a famous hip hop artist has a big number of nuts talking about that bullshit. Why hip hop?

If The Dink wins, will he be the first little person to win an Emmy?

Yeah, last year it was quite easy to find a stream for it. It'll begin around 02.00 at night here, but I think I'll stay up to see it. Go Game of Thrones, Louie and P&R!

I gave up on Dexter about episode five or six of the last season, I just couldn't take the ever-repeating storyline of "someone gets too close to Dexter" and all the other characters nobody gives a shit about. I really love Michael C. Hall as an actor, so I hope they wrap up that show soon so he can go onto something

Except for potentially this show, what else of interest does Showtime air though? I can't think of anything.

Yeah, that's what I thought. The first season of Sleeper Cell is hands down my favourite season of anything Showtime has done, so looking forward to this. We should probably hope that the show gets cancelled after a season or two, I've yet to see a Showtime series that doesn't turn to shit with time.

You seem to have missed what "the scores are relative" actually means.

TLC joined the History Channel/MTV etc. list of channels with a name that now sound ironic/incredibly dumb. TLC has nothing to do with learning anymore, it's just Kate with all her shitty kids.

Oh, and Futurama is still great. How can you compare the current Futurama run with present day Simpsons?

Well, The Boyfriend is a stone cold classic, and that's a double episode.

I'm not really convinced that the U.S. would've been better off now if the libertarians had ruled the country, what with their view on regulating the financial sector etc. Libertarians do in general piss me off because it would NEVER work to more or less "cut the state out of people's lives".