
I doubt Obama would be centre-right in Europe, at least not by my definition. He would be more to the right of that. His economic and welfare policies is, in general, to the right of most European parties (and Europeans in general, I suppose). But I agree with your post, and calling Obama a "socialist" just shows that

If I'm not mistaken, HIMYM is filmed WITHOUT an audience, but they show the finished product to an audience in order to get the audience reaction. It might be that parts of the show is "filmed before a live studio audience", I'm not sure. It makes sense to me because I, like you, have always felt that the laughter on

Larry David and Michael Richards actually hated that so much, because it fucked up the timing of the scene, that David asked the audience to NOT applaud Kramer before the taping began. After some tries, they stopped.

You can't watch Seinfeld?

.I'm sure you would've liked the show, laugh track or no, if it was actually a good show. It isn't. Another commenter said that you really only notice the laugh track when the show sucks, and I pretty much agree with that. I have absolutely NO problem with the audience on a show like Seinfeld, mainly because it's such

And they hate BAD laugh tracks, especially the canned laughter on an otherwise classic show like M*A*S*H*.

Well, Jamie, the multi-camera sitcom has changed A LOT over the last 40-50 years, especially in pacing. See the difference between a show like Cosby Show and Seinfeld, it's night and day. But it's true that the multi camera hasn't changed much since the 90s, thinking about it I still don't think I've seen a faster

You asked for it, so…Dead baby jokes!

Answer: Middle-aged women. That's the audience she draws.

Well, because ratings are important to keep our favourite shows on the air, fuck yeah I care about ratings. I'm not like one of the Nielsen drones over at tvbythenumbers.com, but I follow the ratings of my favourite shows, especially the ones on network and basic cable (because, as TVDW says, ratings doesn't matter as

Sometimes it feels like I'm the only longtime fan of the graphic novel that actually liked Znyder's Watchmen movie. Sure, things like the sex scene was incredibly dumb, but overall I really enjoyed the movie. I LOVED 300 when I first saw it, but not so much when re-watching it a couple of years after. Sucker Punch is

What 37th Chamber is trying to say: You need to check out Illmatic, one of the best hip hop albums of all time.

Yeah, there's a lot of those moments here. I like that Restistance 3 has scaled down the boss fights, one of the most boring aspects of the second game was the scripted boss fights.

B+ sounds about right to me, as in a VERY game that's short of being fantastic. The story is nothing that hasn't been told numerous times before (even though it's an improvement on the military heavy story of the past two games), the graphics are very solid but not on par with the really cutting edge games on the

I remember David X. Cohen saying that the episode was non-canon in an interview a while back, which obviously makes sense.

I wonder how old the oldest popular hip hop act will be in about 30 years. It would be fantastic if Nas still performed Illmatic at the age of 60+.

Doesn't sound too bad for me to have Rolling Stones money and also being able to live a somewhat normal life. Win-win.


Yeah, the system is not perfect at all, but I agree with @avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus, that's how it should be (and this site comes pretty close to grading things along those lines). I would say that both The Happening and Apollo 18 are F-level movies. Both are incredibly dumb movies that I would