
Reading a review of a horrible movie is often fun, as is insulting it. But I agree with the OP, I would never see this movie.

Well, the consensus on this site seems to be that D- is reserved for really shitty movies that you wouldn't go to see for any reason. A F my inspire some people to see the movie, so that grade goes to really shitty movies that might have some redeeming elements. Nobody wants to go see a D- movie.

"He’s essentially a child in a man’s body, which lends an element of
symbolic pedophilia to a romance that would already be creepy under the
best of circumstances."

@phil riley The crew behind the show has nothing to do with TPD being out of syndication, that's all down to the network being a bunch of pussies. I haven't asked anyone, but I'd be shocked if either Jerry or Larry had any problems with the OJ jokes, seeing as they made jokes about it in at least three episodes.

I always feel kinda bad for listening to Burzum, especially being from Norway and growing up with all the shit Vikenes did.

It's only fair that the casting director gets a role in The Puerto Rican Day where he gets to kiss Julia-Louis Dreyfus. Well deserved, man.

I love how you can just see how hard Stiller has to work to remember the last bit of that line, the pause he takes. The writers always talk about how Stiller had big trouble remembering his lines, and that's why…he…delivers…them…like….THIS. It works perfectly for the character.

The funny thing is, I don't think this show is "showing its age" that much. It still holds up extremely well, probably because it started what more or less every good sitcom that came after it did (a more "edgy" humor, faster pace, more stories per episode etc.). But I think we agree, so it's all good.

I remember almost falling over myself laughing at the last scene where he tries to play the sax the first time I saw the episode.

Nah, Mickey and Kramer were friends, they just couldn't get along all the time. One of my favourite Seinfeld scenes is them fighting because they can't decide where to sit on the double date.

There's no doubt that the whole thing about the Puerto Rican Day episode was pure bullshit. The episode was never about the specific parade, it was a show about how these parades (there's a lot of them in NYC) affects the city, and especially the traffic. The various groups that complained about the episode more often

Black on Both Sides is a fantastic album though, but it more or less stopped there. The Ecstatic is OK, but nothing more.

Absolutely agree with that. I thought the newspaper story was interesting, and I loved the black comedy aspect of the "serial killer" story arc. But the real star of the fifth season was the political storyline: Carcetti selling out, Clay Davis dodging a great number of bullets etc. It might be the "worst" season of


That's the internet for you!

Edit: Yep yep, replied to the wrong post.

What about the Seinfeld reviews?

Yeah, PTC is known for their good advice to parents.

Needs to do something about his eyes to get the Whitaker roles.

Had never heard of that movie before watching this trailer (yay! for not living in America, I guess), but Jesus fucking Christ does that look bad. It might be the worst trailer I've ever seen.