Cajun Clearwater

Luc Besson would suggest Albania. Personally, I would like to see some recognition of the Equatorial Guinean Menace that hangs over our world.

We don't know that yet. This movie could win a dozen Oscars. Or, less likely, make back its production budget.

No one talks about OJ anymore? Someone should tell my father that.

I would too, all 3 of them.

Wow, you're right. We'd have to break it down by character just to keep it manageable.

Farscape got some good mileage out of just not filming in Southern California or Vancouver. The landscapes always look different from the usual Star Trek desert planets, and it fits well with the really "biological" vibe of the show that everything is so lush.

"Jeremiah Crichton" is indeed the worst. "I, E.T." is pretty ok. @avclub-7399a8aa203c68565ff7196769deadc6:disqus , I didn't hate "Taking the Stone" at all, even though you're completely right about its flaws. Should I get myself tested?

Why the hell would anyone watch this when other shows exist?

Farscape and Brisco County? Are you me?

Little yellow bolts of light don't kill people. People kill people.

"Bjork and Kate Bush on a drunken girls night out."

I watched about 2 episodes of Lexx, so I feel well-qualified to answer your question with baseless accusations of speeding in a construction zone, and other terrible things.

Absolutely right about this show being so visceral. The physicality of everything the characters go through is a really stark (ha!) contrast to Star Trek. Farscape is very "biological" from start to finish, and as much as I love Star Trek, it looks like a stage play by comparison.

Farscape WOOOOOO!
The first episode holds up unusually well in terms of character consistency with the rest of the series. The details may change, but the personalities mostly don't, and that's no guarantee in sci-fi (laughing Spock). Some network executive could have said, "Hey let's make Rygel a little nicer, and

Count to 100, and it will probably be back on.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Completely right about the Vancouverse, but Stargate at least used some stock footage of NORAD occasionally. Worst offender I can remember is from my least favorite movie ever, Alien Vs Predator 2. It was set in Grand Junction, CO, which is dry as a bone, and filmed in a lush temperate rain

The Pope has to nominate him for sainthood, right? So first we need to make Carrie Fisher the Pope.

Samuel L. Jaxxon

That happened to me too. I'm glad about it now. I've got a wonderful fiancee who I would never have met on their site, so I guess I've got no cause for hard feelings.