Cajun Clearwater

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus  You're lighting up these boards with a defense of the indefensible. You ought to be a fucking Scientologist.

Yesterday I de-Faced (unfriended) someone for posting that he would gladly kill a bunch of people to protect his right to bear arms, especially if they're Muslim.

Also applies to music. Proof: Ke$ha.

He hasn't even come clean about being a deer.


I've come to realize that there are so many shades of suck on the color palette of badness, I could never hope to experience them all. So I started only watching movies that I think will be actually good, and now I have time to have a girlfriend.


Warrissey strikes again!

The article says something about him riling up the Internet. Next time, he's going to punch Star Wars.

Ever see "Repo Man" (the one from the 80s)? The food is all packaged in white bags and cans, labeled FOOD in black letters. The beer is in white cans, labeled BEER. SyFy should have hourly station identifications with a white screen just saying CABLE.

Does that 808 bump not, perchance, make you put your hands up, make you put your hands up, make you put your hands up?

Post deleted due to being a pointless description of angry holiday with unpleasant family member.

You don't tell your pappy how to court the electorate. We ain't one-at-a-timin' here. We're MASS communicating!

We're not buying your book, Gene.



Simpsons did it.

Simpsons did it.

Check out the D.O.A. movie they made a few years ago. It's exactly what it should be.