Cajun Clearwater

I've lived in Columbia for 3 years, and as far as I can tell it's not much better than anywhere else in the state.

I had to jump around the news sites for a minute after reading that. I was thinking to myself, "How could I have missed that?"

I remember that the cover of that book had a picture of one of the 9/11 hijackers on it. Her modest proposal was to put Muslims into concentration camps. I don't understand how even the likes of Fox News can put her on television after that.

Rambo: Arooyua djemyehidk rehamspfkh!
Roy: [explodes]

Star Trek Into Darkness, featuring Benedict Cumberbatch, Charleston Worcester St. Michaeljohn, and Jonathan Rawlingsworth Encyclopedia Britannica.

Holy shit, he was! I guess he's still a "natural-born citizen" of the US, though, because at least one of his parents was a citizen. Just like Obama, which makes the birther thing even more absurd, if that's possible. He'd have been a natural-born citizen even if he was born in another country.

On this particular issue, they do.

You're spot on about that last thing. In Farscape's universe, humans don't have the market cornered on anything, including brutality. I wonder if that line is due to the writers of different episodes being unaware of each other's stuff. Still, "A Human Reaction" is in my top 5 of the whole series.

Yours is a very practical gimmick account.

Brandon Nowalk: I have some friends with terrible taste in movies, so I've seen Wolf Creek. It's nihilistic trash. There's one good joke about Crocodile Dundee surrounded by an hour and a half of unjustifiable sadism. I recommend skipping it, and also having the filmmakers launched into the sun.

They appear to be using a gun as a paperweight for the maps.

Star Trek always had a big problem with relative levels of technology. Humans and the major alien races were always conveniently developing cool stuff like faster-than-light space travel at the same time, and there were no vastly superior technologies for these newbies to contend with, at least not regularly. Anything


The episode's entertaining enough, but I don't think GLEs (god-like entities) are a good fit for Farscape.

Yeah, I'm wondering if Leto's inaction is even legal, assuming this isn't a hoax. Either way, my opinion of him just moved from "listening to him sing makes my own throat hurt, but whatever" to "what a terrible fucking human."

@avclub-9024f9f0a80d2d248c7c6efb2e715c37:disqus Translator microbes not working? Don't worry, I speak Space.

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus @avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus When my Star Trek technobabble malfunctions, I just reverse the polarity, and everything works out fine.

That Mizzou one is perfect.

I don't even own a Gerard Butler!

Regarding Vietnam, I think the US is the needy one there. The US needs Not-Chinese allies in Asia, and Vietnam seems to be undecided about how much they have to gain by participating in that.