Cajun Clearwater

She's my daughter!
She's my sister!

Yahoo News comments: Not Even Once.

Based on the racism scale of "Apartheid South Africa" to "Country That Doesn't Exist," my anecdotal and therefore scientifically worthless evidence suggests that the United States falls between Italy and Germany, and is therefore actually Switzerland.

I like your comment. I like it right up.

Christmas Eve/Sarajevo was originally a Savatage song. Check it out:

"Enter Sandman" by Metallica.

As a college freshman in 2000, I can personally testify to the existence of the above-named Limp Bizkit album, and to the existence of people who voluntarily stole it via Napster. Some of them even listened to it. It was a less enlightened age.

No, but if you like puppet aliens, you can vote for Farscape, which you ought to do anyway.

Farscape! Woooo!

Go on, John, do it. Then we can go to the beach. I know a place with naked Sebacean girls and margarita shooters. [from the crackers episode]

What you said! Stargate never had the same mood as Farscape. Stargate's highs aren't as high and its lows are … I don't know, roughly the same lowness.

Well, I appreciate the Muppets on a much deeper level than you, so Farscape is one of my favoritest shows ever.

First of all, great interview! Second of all, I think people are being fooled by that first comment about it. I forgot everything about Resident Evil as soon as I walked out of the theater, so if some yahoo tells me Phil Morris was in it, I have no reason to think they're lying. Just to set the record straight: they

You've seen this, right? (Contains unnecessary impaling, because Metalocalypse, duh.)

Farscape (which was brought back after cancellation due to a letter-writing campaign) had 88 episodes and was briefly syndicated. If that line in the article is right that serialized shows don't do well in syndication, that would explain why it didn't last there. The show is incredibly weird; I suppose that could

Jason Segel appreciates the Muppets on a much deeper level than you.

References to Farscape produce an automatic "like" from me.

Yesterday I was looking for something to watch on Netflix, and I figured I'd watch some DS9 for the first time in awhile. Scrolling through the episode descriptions, I saw one I didn't remember ever seeing. It was this.

Linnaeus was hugely important to the development of biology as a science, and he was obsessed with sex. He's alright in my book.