Cajun Clearwater

Beck did some unforgivable shit back then.

Next inventory: Most Uncomfortable Date Movies Ever.

Ice to see you!

Anybody want a pizza roll?

You lost me at "you can't." Clearly, when it comes to starting morally unjustifiable wars, yes we can.

No, Club Nouveau did it.

Here, have a flag.

Bruce Jenner is Gul Dukat.

But it's right there in your description of the reward for climbing Everest: "you feel." Doing an Ironman or climbing Everest are things you would do for yourself, and not for anyone else. The subject here is a family man with obligations and stuff, and risking his health and spending a year training (and being

"Well fuck you dear."

[scribbles furiously]

That's what I'm getting at, yeah.

A Story:

evanescence - dissipation or disappearance like vapor.

Of course (a horse is a horse of course of course), you're completely right, in a moral sense. However, in my opinion this is still wrong, because fucking EEEEEEWWWWW.

Jerry Jenkins, another hometown hero to put in the company of James Dobson and Ted Haggard.

Bruce Campbell is too busy to go and awesome up a movie like this. But if he did, I still wouldn't watch it.

No, no, no!

OK, the writer's understanding of evolution is… not, but Dr. Phlox's argument in that episode is that by saving the more "advanced" race, he would be condemning the other to extinction. Yeah, it makes no sense in terms of biology, but it is possible to imagine scenarios where saving one people means destroying

She blinded me with science!