Cajun Clearwater

By the cable star to movie star time conversion equation, those guys will be in this movie about 8 seconds a piece.

Dammit, I made up this name years ago. Do I have to become a Scientologist gimmick poster now?

I watched Predator, and now I'm a governor and a sexual tyrannosaurus. So, I guess that's a fair trade.

I have heard of him, and I live in a cave and listen to Opeth. He's a rock star.

That's the one, and that's why I thought it was funny. It just took that beer commercial philosophy to its logical extreme. I thought, "This has to be a joke."

Remember that Dodge Charger commercial from the Super Bowl a few years ago? I laughed my ass off at that. I thought it was a parody, and I was embarrassed when I realized nobody else saw it that way. The fact that some people respond to these ad campaigns without any sense of self-awareness makes me want to punch

Thanks for the suggestion! Try my favorite, blowhard.me.

That's an ice idea.

He's not your buddy, dude.

The Warriors was just plain stolen from my autobiography, "Grand Slam: My Life as a Baseball Fury". Damn you, Hollywood!

Turns out Michael Bay sucked the whole time.

@avclub-faee0cdb03a643d235e16bd014943251:disqus , I've gotta hand it to you. You know just what to say to turn a sad thing into an infuriating thing.

Just like you said:
"Though their collections of tales became immensely popular, they were
essentially a by-product of the linguistic research, which was the
brothers' primary goal."

Bill Nye was an engineer at Boeing before he went into television.
Did you know that?

You mean that's the same guy?

I remember Mr. Plinkett having some harsh words for "Parallels".

What he said.

But if I can just yell something really clever at you, I can totally win you over to [noun]! It'll change your life!
