Cajun Clearwater

Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

I have no idea if that stuff about it being a late addition is true, and I don't care. The only reason to try invalidating it here is to justify being vindictive.

The show requires that the Doctor has a companion. The Doctor's character arc has him recognize all that stuff you just said. (And you're completely right.) Potential solution: make his next companion someone he can approach as more or less an equal. But who could ever work in that role?

The whole Rockies bullpen should use Motorhead's "Ace of Spades." Awesome intro, and fitting lyrics:

I'd never heard this before, so I Wikipedia-ed it.

Hedley Lamarr from Blazing Saddles.

He knows more … than you do.

There's no way Obama's lucky enough for one of them to get the nomination.

And the moral of the story is…
don't try to cure Alzheimer's disease.

Where can I get
once of those hats?

He has defeated us numerous times, what makes him think he can do it again?

Here's some nerdery: Being a bipedal vertebrate may a precondition (or a common path) to evolving intelligence in the first place. "Identical" is ridiculous, but "similar" aliens might be commonplace in the universe.

I've never thought about who I share a birthday with before. Now that I know it's NFL quarterback Jason Campbell, I'll never think of it again.

I dunno, it had its moments. I can't think of any right now, but I didn't hate the movie, so they must have been there somewhere.

Key word "seemed."

Diary of a Chimpy Kid

Firstie Untergang

I can only speak for myself, but: lifetime pass for Surviving the Game.

I didn't think there was anything "last episode-y" about it, so it doesn't really work as a finale, but it was the best episode of Firefly, period.

Damn right, isjoe10.