Cajun Clearwater

@bayer: ???

D - I - V - O - R - C - E
Tammy Wynette v. Circle Jerks

Titanic 2
100 years later, lightning strikes twice.

Dumb and Dumberer: The Dumberering

Ooh, I have an idea, you should register and make the face-palm icon your avatar! Then you won't seem like another anonymous troll!

The audience. From now on, I'm adding a clarification to all my posts, as demonstrated below.

You don't understand! There is great joy in knowing that my pointless obsessions are hipper than y'alls. This movie make benefit my unjustified sense of superiority (at least that's how it sounds in the review).

Ector: You are hexactly right.

Mega-dittos, thoughtful guy. At 13, my mom discovered I was watching T2 on tv and freaked out. I didn't catch the end of the movie til I was 20.

Irony! Sarcasm! Etc!

Peak oil is our friend
I wrote some post-apocalyptic fiction awhile back using it as a major plot point. It's great for that stuff! High five!

I think a big twist like that would have helped a ton. I think a good one would be that there was no memory wipe possible; Sarjenka saves her world, but they can't let her go back again. They did something similar in the episode where Paul Sorvino plays Worf's brother (though with an adult character).

I'm not dead.

That's a priceless Steinway!

This is a fascinating example of the contrast between prescriptive and descriptive attitudes about language. Having said that . . .

The Brick Testament

billyverona: I agree with your statements on time travel and Pascal's wager. I will subscribe to your newsletter.

Failed lasties? You couldn'ta knowed that at the time!

Irrelevant trivia: Justin Fargas (former running back for the Raiders) is his son.

The whole last season of Highlander
but there could be only one.