Cajun Clearwater

What he said.

Everyone here needs to chill out!

It's fitting that Ke$ha and 3OH!3 would do a song together, since both are spawned from Typo Satan, and are abominations unto the Lord of Spelling Conventions. Am3n.

I wouldn't worry
about being pro-establishment, young Mr. Heller. Isn't the average Tea Partier like 78 years old?

As a Pro-Life Zombie, it might be more appropriate to tell us the year of your death instead. And 1981.

IMDB says she was in the GEICO Cavemen sitcom. On a personal note, the stink of desperation at my job (guess where) has decreased dramatically since the beginning of our first successful ad campaign in roughly forever, so keep 'em going.
If that eSurance cartoon gets you excited, I hate to think what real porn will do

Yes and no. It's cheap, but Alex growing up and changing when all the mind control failed to make him change gives the story a coherent point of view about the subject. Kubrick's version doesn't have that. Maybe that's provocative like The Fly above me said, but I just found it frustrating. I'm just realizing as I

That's a bingo!

I don't know nothin' about BSG or Lost, but kudos for the Blake Snyder reference.

I never looked around, I never second guessed, then I read some Howard Zinn, now I'm always depressed.

You'se-a right, it gave me a pain in-a my Napoli and an ache in-a my Venezia.

This hate
is so easy, a caveman could do it.

Steve. Steve! STEEEEEEVE!

I really dig these post-apocalyptic movies, but the Bible? Come on. I've got two words of advice for Hollywood, for their next Mad Max riff: Cannibal Sorority.

I'm not up on my Anvil, but I definitely dug the song above.

Thanks, junior high school math teacher.

Trolling experiment
Adam Corolla's show will be canceled really fast, and that will be the funniest thing about it.

If he wasn't legally allowed to do "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here," why is he allowed to do this?

Billy Zane = awesome.