Cajun Clearwater

I just became a Catholic, just cause of that right there.

I've liked all the David Twohy movies I've seen, but I don't understand how the dude's resume can be filled with notorious flops (The Fugitive aside) and he still gets to make more of them. I hope he continues, though.

Quoth the Marine: Everyone's got a price! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

warns that the film "contains strong environmentalist content and… a strong Marxist overtone."

Pancakes, I was 19 in 2001, and was upset to find out that the majority of adults still don't comprehend complex moral decisions.

Since we're going for overly earnest here:

Breach is great. That's all I have to say.

Do you like movies about gladiators, VOR?

Yeah! Schadenfreude!
This is my kind of list. However, I'm upset that Knowing wasn't at the top of it.

Irritating use of !

Great minds think alike, StevieP.

Osama bin Rockin and the Taliband*

Watching an Italian-dubbed version of Ultraviolet in a nearly empty theater in Genoa (and I don't speak the language) is one of my favorite bizarre memories. Some movies suck in any language.

I still like it, and I can't wait to see this movie (probably on video, since I live in a cultural wasteland).

Or "Sad Call Center Employee."

I can't believe I liked something Jimmy Fallon did either. My life just got flip-turned upside down.

The use of correct words like "tracts" is just another attempt by the power-brokers of society to keep people down. People like me, who can't remember to use correct words.

Divine Secrets of the Da Da Da Sisterhood

What's happenin'? What you gonna do? You got the money you owe us, motherfucker?

I get the comparison to Backstreet Boys and Shaun Cassidy, but Titanic didn't just appeal to pre-teen girls. Unless pre-teen girls enjoy watching Kate Winslet's huge tracks of land as much as I do.