Cajun Clearwater

Great list, lots of stuff I already love, and (again) tons of stuff I need to hear. So much metal, so little money to get it.

I must be missing something here…

You read a Left Behind book?
Why would you do that?

blondie_havoc, good Highlander reference. When it comes to masturbatory fantasies and Mary Sue characters, I think Highlander is the best example you'll ever find.

The Pledge (Jack Nicholson)
Independence Day (Randy Quaid)

Never seen The Goonies
1. I was born in 1981 and I'm the oldest of 3, so your corollary can be extended to oldest children.

In that picture
right above the wing, you can see Roland Emmerich's digitally rendered middle finger.

Simon Jester: Yeah, "Crackers Don't Matter" is really good. In fact I mixed it up with "Out of Their Minds;" I should have put that one on my list to begin with. "Scratch 'n Sniff" isn't my favorite, but it's just as trippy as anything they ever did, so it deserves credit for that at least.

If you say to yourself, "I will tolerate the presence of the occasional Muppet-like creature," then you'll find Farscape is a unique and entertaining show. It blends humor (the tone is a lot less serious than most sci-fi), a pulpy but well-acted romantic storyline, and trippy sci-fi concepts together into something

I dug that genie episode, good call.

A Farscape episode suggestion or 3: "John Quixote" (psychedelic, which they were great at), "Twice Shy" (giant soul-eating spider), "The Choice" (basically a sad drama in a flophouse, but with a Total Recall mutant psychic baby thing). While I'm at it, "Taking the Stone," "Out of Their Minds," "The Way We Weren't,"

I'm sure that just like Farscape and Firefly, I will eventually see this "Dollhouse" show and become a huge fan, only I won't have to get worked up about how long it will cling to life, because I will already know.

Despicable Troll, I like your style, but that sounds a bit too "artsy" for the channel that makes Scare Tactics and "Thor: Hammer of the Gods."

Alia: The fact that other people still remember and love that show warms the cold heart of my cockles. Seriously though, that would be neat.

Thanks, Wikipedia Checker, you just saved me a minute.

Puma . . . Man?

Renamed "Timbaland's Beatcoaster of Hooks"

The good news is, if you listen to the radio, you'll never have to hear them.

"Dream On - The Remix" Aerosmith feat. DMX

"Institulinized"? Hippocrit!