Cajun Clearwater

Don't be evil?
Dammit, I might as well stop reading right there.

He said, "The name tells us a lot," not "The name says it all." If they were talking about this killer's motives, he may have been right, since this dude's grudge was (according to his family) a religious one. Not the most tactful way to put it, but I've heard a lot worse.

That just made my day. Thanks.

P-NAM (which should be your rasslin' name), I'm sure you're right about someone giving them shit for using the word so much. Thatotherguy, that's some bullshit there, but I think that's what Parker and Stone are going for.

Agreed, this is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I don't know of any other film that takes on the meaning of life so directly, and I've certainly never seen another one that does it this well. The Squire is my favorite movie character, period. (OK, Death is pretty cool, too.)

I don't remember that one. I'm starting to question my own credentials as "a big fan" now. I'll probably remember eventually.

I was (okay, am) a big fan of ST: TNG, but their record for scary episodes is pretty mixed. The episode where the crew mutates into animals is the only one I can remember that was obviously trying for horror, and it was mostly pretty weak. However, the part where the Worf-beast sprays acid into Cusher's face was

The troll under (in? My memory's poor) the girl's bed scared me for days. There's tons of stuff in that movie that can scare a little kid stupider than Ernest.

Know what scared me as a kid?

You're spot-on about "The Matrix." I've seen it so many times by now, it's easy to forget how surprising that moment was.

Charmin Greeter
And I thought my job sucked. Okay, it does suck, but at least, it's not….

Tag line
"Lousy socialists" could catch on.

DMX should try BMX
That would amuse me.

Colorado Springs

Nice to see a fellow Pastafarian around here.

Ho Hum, paying lots of money to rise through various "levels" and learn "secrets" pretty much describes my childhood at the arcade.

I got to thank mama for the cookin'
Daddy for the whuppin'
Xenu for the trouble that I get into
I got to give credit when credit is due
I thank the bank
for the money
Thank God for you

Nice stealth firstie, Pancakes for ONE.

[Thunderous applause]

Elrond: You're right, of course, "hit piece" might be a bit strong, but reality is not kind to Glenn Beck.
In unrelated news, ROCKIES WIN WOOOOOOOO!