Cajun Clearwater

Futurechimp: Beck's done some shit that comes close. I read some hit piece on Salon.com (that was linked by a commenter here that I can't remember) that said he once called a rival radio host's wife while on the air and mocked her for having a miscarriage.

The people who make Stargate are bigger fans of Farscape than any of us. Hopefully they recognize that a not-so-serious tone was one of Farscape's strengths.

I dig that Willis plays with his image so much here. I wonder about Rosamund Pike, though. Willis can switch from plastic in one scene to slob in the next. What does Pike look like when she's not appearing as a surrogate? Cause she's about 20 years younger than Willis, and that's pretty much what she looks like.

Special guest star Adam Sandler as "Cajun Man." And featuring me, as myself.

I don't think they're too worried about realism. Jessica Biel as a general is so ridiculous that I can't wait to see this movie now.

Bob LaRice FTW.

Great show, nothing further to add.

The antiseptic future is used in a lot of movies, though, and most of them aren't as good as AI or Gattaca. Look at Equilibrium, Aeon Flux, or Ultraviolet for three awful B-movie examples. (Actually, don't watch those.) I dig sci-fi that goes the other way, where the future is real tangible mess, like in Alien.


My most hated is the mentor who conveniently dies to make room for the hero to discover he had it in him all along. Star Wars did it, and that should be it, no one else is allowed to ever again. I kind of like the "We're in mortal danger, let's fuck" trope though. That one should be used more often.

Knowing has a bad case of sucking in general, but yeah, that in particular. Also, I Am Legend.

The "small towns are inherently good" cliche is pretty much the same thing as the "noble idiot" Forrest Gump cliche, just bigger. Happiness is finding simple moral clarity in a complicated world. It's blue-collar snobbery. I still like Sling Blade, though.

Save the Cat, Rescue the Puppy, Minus the Bear
"And I'm not interested in doing movies where your leading man rescues a puppy in the first scene so you can see he's an okay dude."

Wii Ass-Kicking, by Lau Chan.

DuVall and Staley sound similar, but not identical, so it's cool by me. And Elton John may have agreed to appear on this album because . . . (drum roll please) . . . AIC is incredible.

Stephen Colbert, he seems like a decent guy. Or Dave Attell, he doesn't seem decent at all.

My celebrity enemy would be Adam Corolla, if he counts as a celebrity.

Also Latin Dragon, now that I think about it. WATCH THAT MOVIE.

What's wrong with Chronicles of Riddick?

Surviving the Game, where I learned that Gary Busey can only be killed by Ice-T.