Radio Shack is nobody's friend. How is that place even still in business? Who buys anything from them? How come they never return my calls? What I'm saying is, Radio Shack is a bad friend.
Radio Shack is nobody's friend. How is that place even still in business? Who buys anything from them? How come they never return my calls? What I'm saying is, Radio Shack is a bad friend.
Wild applause for TomWaits. Dig it!
I'm about a third of the way through "Call Me Puke: A Life on the Dirt Circuit" by Mark Sieve. It ain't Shakespeare, but I like it.
I've never even heard of this movie (since all my friend hate movies without robo-splosions), but it sounds great. I think if I like it I'll do like Johnny does, and make all my friends watch it.
TomWaits, your logic is inconceivable.
Pitt's mortal? I thought he took care of this pesky "mortality" thing by drinking the blood of virgins. This economy has really been hard on everybody.
Agreed, mbs, Windtalkers did have other problems beside Cage. I just mean the whole idea of seeing the really interesting characters through Cage's eyes was unnecessary. The character was a bad idea in the first place, and Cage hamming it up just made it worse.
Lifetime pass revoked
for Knowing. Also for being in Windtalkers, which would have been a lot better without him.
I warned you!
That's no ordinary rabbit! That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
So I'm guessing
this band has nothing to do with Guano Apes.
I like how "Song 2"
is track number 7.
Aw, baby, that'sa what I LIKE!
The Spicy Chicken Sandwich
totally justifies the existence of Wendy's, just like their hamburgers do the opposite.
Not my first job, but I was a driver and clerk for my local library's bookmobile when I was in college. Coolest. Job. Ever.
Laserblast II: The Sequeling, by Cajun Clearwater. I'm waiting, Hollywood.
That comment put me in a good mood, El Zilcho. Pimpin' ain't easy.
I dug the GIANT FUCKING SPACE AMOEBA. It's one of the coolest ideas Star Trek ever had. The idea of a single creature that big, totally indifferent to our form of life, really nails why maybe we should fear the unknown a little. Sure, there might be green space tramps out there, but you might also run into GFSAs…
I dug the GIANT FUCKING SPACE AMOEBA. It's one of the coolest ideas Star Trek ever had. The idea of a single creature that big, totally indifferent to our form of life, really nails why maybe we should fear the unknown a little. Sure, there might be green space tramps out there, but you might also run into GFSAs…
Jagger, you probably have a point about the hostility towards Rand being misplaced (at least in my case). My hostility really is towards the way some people have tried to make her ideas into a political reality, which is a recipe for disaster as far as I can tell.
Your gimmick makes me want to punch through my computer screen, then use available office supplies to ingeniously construct a new one before my boss gets here and sees what I've done.