And more pirates, Yoko.
And more pirates, Yoko.
CHOMPS, that list will come in handy for writing the script of my new Van Damme movie, Kick In The Face III: Revenge Of The Face. And technically, in Universal Soldier Van Damme was a Cajun robot.
Where is Cybernetic Organism when we need him?
The Most Interesting Man in the World will be the next Bond villain.
I do not dig it.
Jonathan Frakes being smug can be fun to watch. If you've seen The Librarian movies (Frakes directed two of them) on cable, they wink at the audience a lot, but they're much better made than your average Giant Shark vs. Avenging Mutant Seal movie on the Sigh-Fi Channel.
Rodents of Unusual Size
No criticism intended, Miller. Just a little joke about my avatar, minus the humor.
nom de crap
Roland Emmerich?
What was that, Miller?
Mandatory Ghostbusters quote: "If someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!"
There's way, Edison. There's way.
Oops. But, first.
Somehow when I was reading this, I imagined Will Smith's uncle from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air as the Judge. No, I don't know what's wrong with me.
WRONG, sir, WRONG. Sadistic brutality and lazy human plotlines are two of the many things that make this movie suck. Kudos to you for defending an unpopular opinion, though.
Macho Man vs. Hulk Hogan vs. music. Triple Threat Match!
Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem is on my top three worst movies of all time list, and I thought the first AVP was awesome, in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way. Its existence (AVP2) is a powerful argument that filmmakers should have to be licensed. Think about it: freedom of speech vs. no more movies as bad as this one. I…
Inle: Flawless navigating through treacherous waters.
This could only happen in the great country we call 'Merica.
That is the awesomest thing I've heard today. Thanks!