i think you are confusing it with the ridiculous amount of time de-emphasizing theon's cockmanship.
i think you are confusing it with the ridiculous amount of time de-emphasizing theon's cockmanship.
its true that was a counter argument i came up with but to my mind the depth of his feeling of betrayal seemed a bit excessive. its not like she suddenly planned to abandon felix for cal, it was just a matter of desperation and convenience that they even stopped at the farm house. just seemed to me his fragility was…
i found felix's "there's no place for me here" whine a little off and just an excuse to move the pieces around the playing board. i would have preferred a you're safe here for the moment and alison needs me act of affirmation. also, felix not telling sarah about alison's travails seems like something lost would do…
also, we've already been shown how to defeat the white walkers which defangs them to a degree though it doesnt look like sam has convinced anyone of it yet. bran is also in possession of that information though he has yet to see it in action. and one could only imagine a dragon or two making short work of the zombies…
where is the disdain for the mother that sends their child on a field trip with only a bag of gumdrops?
Bronn, Brienne and Bran = Bled, Bath and Beyond
a really, really big unsalad and free refills of the uncola.
i cant be the only one that noticed the creators gave themselves a cameo (as photographers?) as sarah enters the dyad institute soiree.
did it seem earlier in the season that he was solely focused on vengeance or did the raid by ecbert on the encampment sway him?
but do they have the manpower to much more than be raiders at this point? once the english organize a proper response shouldnt they be able to crush vikings, or am i swimming against the tide of actual history?
i feel like im going to be wrong all over this thread tonight but i dont specifically recall horik insisting that athelstan stay so much as he wanted to stay and horik might have found it useful.
yeah, it would be nice to have 12 episodes to really flesh out what's going on in england at this point.
yes, i suppose that is right. there is an echo-y effect from the initial impact across his stomach until rollo plants his sword in the sand by bjorn's head at which point the wounds disappear. i guess that is implying that it is a dream state of sorts.
is it too early to start shipping kwenthelstan? i dont think her hunger will abate until she's had a taste of that forbidden fruit.
my only problem with the training session between bjorn and rollo was that bjorn's two bloody wounds immediately disappeared as the scene progressed. talk about your supernatural intercession.
came out in '80 but '82 was the high point of its popularity. wikipedia says it sold over 100 million units that year. we got ours in '81. just looking at the controller you could identify it. it had plastic inserts for each individual game that overlayed the 9 button panel. and as another thread asserts, it looked…
just released tonight: noah emmerich interviewed on the andy greenwald podcast.
no, that was intellivision.
i wore out side two of my cassette but i really need to go back and refamiliarize myself with side one.
"It took seconds of your time to take his life…"