yeah, thats my point. just because some of the elements follow
similar tropes as a soap opera doesnt make it a soap, ya know because of all of the other decidedly unsoapy elements.
yeah, thats my point. just because some of the elements follow
similar tropes as a soap opera doesnt make it a soap, ya know because of all of the other decidedly unsoapy elements.
i get it. tears for fears… mad world. i cant be the only one left who loves the hurting?
eh. how many shows if you strip away the action arent essentially soapy? as far as this one goes, theres a fair degree of action and, ya know, beheadings. plenty of bloody gowns in need of detergent.
so youre saying it was…. the doves! figures it would be the ones you would never suspect. symbol of love & peace, my ass!
so wait, were luke and laura twins?
he learned from the best — his mother.
i read the books. spoiler: its steve jobs.
you will learn about ilfe when you play the game of ilfe!
Hannah is Ros which might is the only thing that might turn me around on my hatred of Jeoffrey. same could be said of Walder Frey were she Catelyn Stark.
- Watson & Crick
i was all for the robin and barney divorce. before the episode i kind of wished they had let robin be a career woman and barney end up as an unhappy bachelor still chasing down skirts to his increasing disatisfaction. and we almost got there but then they missed the extra point.
i had that same thought. they really screwed the poochie with this one. if only theyd rastafied the mother 10%.
yeah, the short shrift they gave to her illness and death was practically an insult to the character and viewers. id be ok with her dying but at least give us some grieving and pathos.
ehhh. it was an ending they came up with eight years ago and it still looked rushed and stilted. the old and new footage looked terrible together. plus, once they saw how well the mother worked they should have abandoned it for an ending that suited them because by this point hardly anyone wanted to see ted and robin…
the entire show takes place inside a slutty pumpkin-shaped snowglobe!
but it did have a character leave the show who was replaced by a self parody (if that makes any sense).
Girls says 'hi'.
did they ever address the removal of the downvote? talk about oversensitivity.
"He’s grasping at icicles, as it were, and those things are mighty slippery, and not built to last."
i was curious too and even though citroen was my second guess i didnt find it right away. it took a search on twitter for someone to mention that it was a similar car to the one driven by giles on buffy (which i didnt watch). i think its right. i went back to look at the episode and whats unmistakable are the raised…