little piggy

kind of reminds me of the debbie reynolds collection of memorabilia at the center of that hbo documentary released after she died which she was hoping would be the seed of a museum. if only she had some link to lucas maybe she would not have to sell it off piecemeal to the rabble.

now that he is leaving and the anxiety has abated somewhat it seems less likely that she would feel the need to snoop again.

i dont think they'd have to worry about them telling the authorities especially if they told them we wont kill you but somebody else will. think they'd make a run for it asap. the biggest challenge would be dealing with the fallout from the center.

i could be wrong but i dont think they shoot it in moscow. i think they touched upon it on the slate americans podcast in the previous episode. i havent listened to the whole season so maybe theyve discussed it at greater length.

if you cant find time inside a baseball game to watch a sitcom, you are not trying.

anybody think melisandre could run across gendry and resurrect the house baratheon? i realize jon is the likely king for danaerys, but i was just trying to come up with some leftfield possibilities considering the incest issue, not that its ever been a problem for targaryens.

did i forget to mention not to invite the vampires in? ooh, my bad. i was sure we covered that in lesson one.

anyone think sansa is being prudent sending littlefinger away (for now) or is she just understandably responding emotionally but not strategically? obviously that is what brienne was alluding to when she called sansa out on the lie. youd think she might council sansa to see the necessity for more troops though she is

yes, but evie couldnt have known the sample was destroyed so killing kendall while cutting off future research would not completely stopped duncan//clone club in the near term.

am i wrong to think another plot hole involved sarahs rash destruction of kendalls sample? had she not conveniently done that wouldnt kendalls murder been at least somewhat pointless or ineffective in the short term?

thats what keeps us watching i suspect. how long can they walk this tightrope without falling? a question is how do the writers resolve the pastor tim storyline or does it persist as a festering wound that never really heals but doesnt impact whatever endgame they have in mind for the show? time will tell.

ok, i could possibly see elizabeth going for that gambit but i think deny, deny, deny is their default on any notion that their spying is anything more than intelligence gathering.

theyve refused from the beginning with their revelations to paige to countenance the idea that they are involved in any sort of violence. theres no way to even bring up a hypothetical that wouldnt make her even more skeptical of their veracity on the subject. even if it would have been helpful in the short term to

i actually had a space invaders, too. i got to choose one top shelf newer game and the space invaders came at a discount since it was somewhat dated. it was a table top model though which made it seem cooler.

we rented a gorf console for my bar mitzvah way back when. had it for an entire weekend. and i got intellivision football among my gifts. basically, im henry.

i hadnt noticed that pamphlet but my first thought was he would end up in central america as they found a way for their interests to align and in the "best interest" of all parties.

i would have thought so too but…. ok, i rechecked. its considered part of both south and central asia. so, choose your poison.

its true she would have been far less forthcoming in the past and as you said would have put the mission first. but it would take some high level mental gymnastics to presume that a single act of vulnerability would put paige in a mindset to reveal her considerable indiscretion.

i feel like you misread the reveal of elizabeth's mothers death to paige. pastor tim's fate was already sealed. this only complicates matters exponentially. i just think she wanted to share her mother's death with her daughter. i cant believe she foresaw it would have some impact on how her daughter felt about pastor

the steppes look to be further to the north primarily through ukraine, russia, kazakhstan, mongolia and china.