The Riddler

What a lovely selection of absolute nonsense.

No, thanks. It corners terribly and has over a trillion miles on it already.

Fish jokes are not an improvement.

When you see Dave Thomas, tell him I said hello.

I should note here that someone quickly answered with the name of a well-known fast-food establishment with a variant of "freeze" in its name, and the post was almost immediately removed by a moderator. Apparently my booby-trap system is now official AV Club policy, which I fully support.

Everyone pay close attention to this answer: this is exactly how obvious you shouldn't be.


Butterflies and retirees agree. Other things going south include: your health.


WRONG! Oh dear, I'm going to be inundated with cold-related puns for the next few weeks aren't I? Better get to work on some appropriate ironic traps. Speaking of which…

Not Gotham!

WRONG! I'm telling riddles here, not career counseling!

I don't exactly need any convincing to hate Joel Schumacher, thank you.

Universe-eating space gods go "nom nom nom." I'll file this under Things I Never Expected Nor Particularly Wanted To Find Out.

Yes, I get it, but for a moment I entertained the gentle fantasy that you'd been driven mad and were simply shouting random nouns. Then you'd probably have a better chance of being correct one of these days.

Hmmm, wrong answer or non-sequitur brought on by psychotic break? Oh well, either way

It's also where your future isn't looking.

No, but I have it on good authority that's planned for when you correctly answer a riddle.

Which reminds me, I've invented a cure for the common idiot. Have some!

Your answer shares certain qualities with the film of the same name. Such as being terrible.