The Riddler

That's great, Waylon, you have fun down there. If you see Otis, give him my best.

(Sigh.) Fine. Give the people what they want.

I have in fact been out of Arkham for quite some time. One of the perks of my freedom is that I don't have to talk to crazy people if I don't want to. I plan on enjoying that.

My, superheroes are getting lazier than I remember. Ms. Starr, is it? I'm told you have a good head on your shoulders. I must remember to drop by your neck of the woods sometime and put it to the test.

Believe it or not, I have found a more productive use of my Monday evenings than watching a terrible-to-middling television show in order to befuddle an ever-dwindling crowd of Internet numbskulls. So I am perfectly happy with this particular show being dropped from regular coverage.

I don't see it.

TIME'S UP! Ah, it's so satisfying to end by stumping the room. The blade that a man with as many enemies as Galavan keeps near at all times is of course the Sword of Damocles! Look it up!


You'll fit right in at Arkham.

Well, since you're unjustified, I'm afraid you're going to be left ragged.

No, that one states that everyone except me is an idiot. I suspect it may be a universal law as well.

In that case, proceed!

Wrong, wrong, aaaaand… wrong. Congratulations, you're three for three.

Why thank you! I make it a point to present the most cutting remarks I can offer. Also, your guess is wrong.

May I refer you to the First Law of Gotham: everyone on this show is an idiot.

Sure, I take on the man who warped an entire multiverse because he couldn't get over his mother's death, erasing who knows how many trillions of people from existence, and for some reason I'm the bad guy!

Oh yes, I bow to Trebek's masterful ability to read cards aloud in front of cameras.

Ha! But also, WRONG!

WRONG! How did you even get in here? Stick to your own universe, Parker!